Bus, taxi or train are probably too familiar to visitors. However, if you have the opportunity to travel to Thailand, China or Cuba, do not miss the opportunity to experience the most unique means of transportation on the planet. 1. Tuk-tuk, Thailand The vehicle tuk tuk is more popular than in ...
In the world there are extremely dangerous types of tourism that few people dare to try. But for adventurers, it is the extreme fear of being in the middle of the rest of the life that catalysts their journey even more. Explore, Entertain, Experience, Visit Swim with sharks. In Shark Alley, South ...
Halloween is a long-standing festival of Western nations used to pray for the dead. In this creepy holiday, people not only disguise themselves as ghost characters, but also enjoy extremely special traditional dishes. Discovery, Festival, Culture, Entertainment, Sightseeing, Experience Soul cake: ...
Do you have plans to travel this Halloween or not? If you love to experience the ghosts, the 5 places below will definitely be attractive destinations for the Halloween tourist season! Discovery, Festival, Entertainment, Experience 1. Hill of the Cross (Lithuania) It is a pilgrimage site, located ...
The space is too familiar will certainly not enough to satisfy the soul of adventure tourists. So try to change the wind with unique even quirky hotel rooms. Explore, Hotel, Experience 1. Hotel Propeller Island City Lodge, Germany The owner of this quirky hotel is an artist German name Lars ...
The world famous travel magazine Lonely Planet recently announced the list of the best travel destinations in 2019. This is also one of the annual activities of this famous magazine. Sightseeing, Experience Each year "Best in Lonely" will be announced by Lonely Planet based on nominations from the ...
Seeing animals at close range is always the desire of many people. At that time, we will have the truest feeling about the wild nature around us. Don't be afraid to experience the rides below, it will definitely take you to fulfill that dream.Discover, Entertainment, Sightseeing, Whale Watch ...
Korea (also known as North Korea), is one of the most mysterious countries in the world. This has further aroused the curiosity of many visitors. When North Korea officially opened its door to welcoming tourists, it immediately became the world's most "hot" destination. Discovery, Culture, ...
Nothing is more wonderful than enjoying your journey on a 5-star yacht. If you think that cruising for days in the ocean is boring, these yachts will change your mind. The following 5 yachts are considered to have the most luxurious amenities in the world and can absolutely satisfy the most ...
Not only in Vietnam, but in many other countries also consider the Lunar New Year as the biggest and most important traditional celebration of the year.Discover, Spring, Festival, Entertainment, New Year, Experience, Join The traditional New Year's Day is not only an opportunity for families to ...
The following places are sure to be the ideal place for each Buddhist year-end pilgrimage to the Buddha land.Discover, Belief, Sightseeing, Experience India - The homeland of Buddhism Born and enlightened in India, this vast peninsula is a pilgrimage destination for Buddhists all over the world. In ...
The magic of nature always amazes people, the things we consider impossible are perfectly created by Mother Nature. Here are simply gentle streams, the following places will make you amazed.Discover, Entertainment, Visiting Eleuthera, BahamasEleuthera is a long and narrow island, in the beautiful ...
Santa's hometown - Lapland, the light capital of Paris, the capital of London ... are the places chosen by many tourists to celebrate Christmas with friends and relatives. Visit Lapland, Finland One of the most attractive places to welcome Christmas in the world is Lapland - the home of Santa ...
Besides the volcanoes in the land of thousands of islands of Indonesia, Chu Dang Ya volcano of Vietnam or Diamond Head (Hawaii, USA) also owns a beautiful landscape that makes you appreciate. Experience Diamond Head, USA Located on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, USA, Diamond Head volcano is shaped ...
Large world with so many new interesting things. The following destinations get the most attention in Tet holidays in part because of their unique New Year's welcoming customs. Discovery, Spring, Spring Travel, Entertainment, Visiting Switzerland - The Silvesterchlaus, or Tree Man, is a way of ...