Application… Kiss!
- Hearing the sound of her husband closing the door, Linh turned. All night she could not sleep at all, lying face-to-face, trying to hold back the crying ...
Last night, the couple quarreled, while angry, Linh forced her mouth:
"Or let's divorce, but living together like this is so tiring!"
Husband said nothing, was silent for a while and then jumped up: "Yes, if you want to, let me write for it." Linh was startled, but what to say now, missed it.
Well, Linh just lay still, if she writes without signing, it's okay
There, on Linh's dressing table, there is a sheet of paper that has almost completely filled the page, and has a pen in place.

Petition for a kiss Dear: Home Court My name is: Cute husband. Year of birth: 1980 Live in: House filled with love Please kiss her: Lovely wife. Year of birth: 1983 Residence: same house filled with love above.
Proposal for a kiss: Due to the fact that the couple's life has no harmony, leading to an argument that makes the couple unable to sleep all night, I am writing this application for permission to deal with the very pressing need to kiss my wife. as much as possible, as long as possible, this afternoon after I got home from work. Only this kiss makes the situation easier to breathe and avoids the cold war

About common property: The only common property of husband and wife is love, I would like to keep it, there is no need to divide. In order to make this kiss, I ask the court to request each donation of its own property… the mouth. Whoever does not, the other party has the right to ... attack.
Date .

Linh laughed. It turned out to be ... But making the Soul out of my soul. Linh suddenly found her husband so funny and lovely. Linh quickly took the phone and texted him:
“I go to the market to cook all the dishes my husband likes, then come back for lunch! The court has read the application and will deal with it early in the afternoon, darling. "
According to the search key: linh bong replace, cute game, ear buds, game needs, work, general education,.

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