Meaning Of The Tattoo
Phoenix tattoo meaning.
The phoenix tattoo is always a rich and noble tattoo in Eastern and Western culture. The male phoenix is the symbol of fortune, the female phoenix is the emblem of the queen, in contrast to the emperor's dragon symbol. The pair of phoenixes is a symbol of predestination, and a happy marriage. There is also a story about the pair of phoenixes of Tieu Su and Long Ngoc showing the happiness of the couple and bringing this couple to the Land of Fairy
Legend has it that a phoenix informed that in Pien-ho (Bien Hoa), the jewel was passed down through the Zhou dynasties, a symbol of immortality, and under the reign of prosperity. there is usually a phoenix, expressing a pure, original positive, appears.
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Meaning dragon tattoo
According to Herodote or Plutarque, the phoenix is a mythical bird, originating from the land of Éthiopie, has unrivaled radiant beauty, lives exceptionally long and has a miracle after self-immolation on it.

In ancient Egypt, the phoenix was a symbol of the cycles of the sun, related to the city of Heliplis. However, it is possible that this solar Bible was originally not of Egypt, but of the pristine Sun Land, the land of Syria in Homere's work. The Arabs say that the phoenix cannot be found anywhere else except Mount Qâf, which is the central, central point of the world

As in Egypt, it is often referred to as the red heron, bright red fur, one can refer to the symbol of rebirth in alchemy called the red-burning work. Chinese priests call the phoenix a tanniao, the red saffron is mercury sulfide. In addition, the phoenix is a symbol corresponding to the South, summer, fire, red. The symbolic meaning of this bird is closely related to the sun, life and immortality. A phoenix is a mount for fairies, a symbol of Niukoua, who created the cheng, a phoenix-shaped instrument, to mimic the birds' miraculous song.
Al-Jili considered the phoenix a symbol of what exists by name; means what all the intellect and every thought are not aware of. So just as we can only think of a phoenix by the name used to refer to this bird, we are only conscious of God by means of his Names and Qualities.

The figure of this beautiful and legendary bird appears with the dawn of the Nil water like a sun; legend says it also set itself on fire and turned off like the sun, went into darkness and was born from the ashes. The phoenix reminisces about the meaning of the fire of creation and destruction, the origins and destruction of the world from that fire; the phoenix is thus the replacement form of the god Civa and of Orphee.
The phoenix tattoo is a symbol of the resurrection that can come to the dead after having weighed the soul, if in life he has properly dedicated the ritual and if the confession of confession has been Review is sincere. The dead person will turn into a phoenix. A phoenix often carries a star to indicate the magical nature and landscape of the afterlife.
The word Phénix is the Greek name for the bird Bennou; This bird is often carved on the tip of the sacred boats that go into the immense brightness ...
a symbol of Osiris' cosmic soul, forever born from itself as long as there is time and forever.
The Latin ideology of the West inherited the symbol of the phoenix, the legendary bird whose original form is the Bennou bird, which has a magical authority due to its own characteristics. For Christians, since Origene, the phoenix is considered to be a sacred bird and a symbol of an undeniable survival of will, and also of resurrection, of life overcoming death. .
If the phoenix tattoo is a symbol of your personality and inner nature, research it carefully with some designs on the internet. Go to the tattoo shop for more advice. Be patient, don't rush for your tattoo designs. You want to find a unique tattoo design with copies.
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