What Should I Do To Keep My Lover Away?
Long distance love is no longer a problem when we are all living on a "flat world". Take advantage of all the advancements of human civilization to protect your love. How to keep lover far away is not everyone knows. Along refer to the experience of love far below to choose your own "strategy".
My two friends have been in love for 7 years now, and the problem is, he is still at home, and she is studying abroad. Talking on the phone regularly is their secret, it feels like the two of you are still close. Sometimes they talk to each other for hours, confide all kinds of things, say "nonsense" things only the lover can understand

2. Make use of other communication channels
If you can't get together by phone, use email, chat, texting ... And remember, when you are caught in the distance calculated by the world, it will always be warm if lovers receive from each other. Long, emotional messages from the bottom of my heart
3. Don't let the romance die
You don't see each other every day, but the most important thing is to keep that love alive as a gift to you both

4. If there is an opportunity, please visit each other
If the distance is not too far away, it is advisable to arrange to meet each other every few months. Meeting is always a useful "medicine" for distant love. If the two of you are too far away, like two different countries when studying abroad, please cherish the holidays, Tet, when your lover returns. Organize your work to spend time together.

And to avoid the mentality of "comparison measure", please note that the number of times this person visits the other is equal. Love is giving and receiving. It is not fair to let one person think that each of them is the one who strives for this love, always having to cross a thousand duplicates alone to reach the other.
5. Don't even think
It will be better if you can arrange your own life without that person, and love will be stable if you can change flexibly, understand each other.
All plans can be changed, work, unexpected things in the family sometimes get in the way of two people at the scheduled meeting time. Take that as a very normal part of every relationship.

When your partner is temporarily away for objective reasons, keeping in touch is essential for the “survival” of the relationship. Here are 11 suggestions to bridge the gap of both.
6. Using Skype
Software that supports communication via the Internet.
The best and most popular chat software in the world today is Skype. You can not only chat, but also make phone calls while seeing each other via webcam or camera.

7. FaceTime
For those of you who are using Apple phones and computers, you should be familiar with FaceTime. Similar to Skype, FaceTime software provides realistic voice quality, clear images and can be used anytime, anywhere and at no cost.
8. Chat every day
Talk to each other every day. Photo: internet
In a distant relationship, you really need a lot of trust. However, that does not mean that you do not communicate with each other.

9. Send random images
Please save the moments of your life, around it and send it to the person. It could be a picture of a meal with a group of friends, a picture of a pair of shoes you just bought, a dish you just made ... This action will make the recipient feel that they are in tune with your lifestyle.

10. Texting
Texting at times when it's not convenient to call. Photo: internet
At some point in the day it is not convenient to make phone calls. Please text each other. Texting is sometimes very effective at getting difficult things out of words and showing concern in a lovely way.
11. Phone dating
On days off, both should date over the phone. How? The two of you go to a cafe, go shopping, watch the same movie .

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