What Is Tuxedo Cat? Cat Tuxedo Character
Like the calico cat, the Tuxedo cat is not a separate cat, but the name refers to cats with special fur.
Tuxedo is a cat with a coat of black and white, the white amount is small, on the face, neck, paws, throat or chest. In Vietnam these cats are also known as binary cats.
The name comes from the uniforms in America in the 1888s, these black and white uniforms are called Tuxedo.
Tuxedo cats in Vietnam are also known by other names as bicolor cats or black-and-white cats
Features identify our Tuxedo cat
The jet-black coat fluttered a few white areas on the feet and face, especially on the chest and throat. By this point alone, it is easy to identify Tuxedo cats.
There will be some people who will fuss over Tuxedo cats and the Burmese cats, read Duy's article below to distinguish them
The Tuxedo cat is not a breed but is a generic term for cats characterized by their distinctive black and white fur.
Therefore, Tuxedo cats can be any cat breed with extremely different characteristics.
Not all cats with black and white fur are called Tuxedo cats. Only black-and-white cats at specific points of the face, throat, chest, and paws are called Tuxedo cats.
Therefore, the grooming of hair for Tuxedo cats is very important.
Tuxedo cats have white fur on the face arranged in a V-shape like a Tuxedo mask. In addition, the black eye area is only white in the mouth and nose.
The white part of the throat extends up to the chest, the 4 equally sized legs are white like they wear socks
How to take care of Tuxedo cat
Cats with a trait called a Tuxedo cat are usually hybrids so they need more time to take care of them. Here are some notes that Duy lists about how to take care of Tuxedo cats.
Grooming your cat Tuxedo
Tuxedo cats are usually hybrids so they will have very smooth fur, no need to wash them often. Sometimes bathing too often will cause loss of shine, causing much hair loss for the cats. So every month you just need to bathe them 2-3 times is enough.
Places with white fur will easily get dirty, you do not need to bathe them every time dirty, just take a soft towel to gently wipe away that stain.
If you talk about the coat to distinguish the Tuxedo cat, there are two ways of dividing it: the short-haired Tuxedo cat and the long-haired Tuxedo cat. Each of the categories will be listed by Duy's specific care methods as below:
Long-haired Tuxedo cat
Brush Tuxedo cats regularly with their long coat
Once a week, 2-3 times applying cat balm to them to keep them shiny
Bath them 2-3 times a month, depending on the weather and decide to increase or decrease the number of baths in the month.
Clean the ears, eye sockets, mouth cavities, and corners of cats
Use a special shower gel for cats, with a gentle composition, to avoid fading the cat's fur.
Tuxedo cat with short fur
A short-haired Tuxedo cat is generally easier to take care of than a long-haired Tuxedo cat
The coat is short, so they shed quite little, the coat is smooth so do not need to comb too often
Bath 1-2 times per month
Choose a shower gel that is suitable for long-haired Tuxedo cats to avoid fading the fur of cats
Tuxedo cat food
Depending on the breed you have, they may have different eating preferences. If you have a Tuxedo cat with a long-haired British cat, you need to remember to control the amount of food they feed, and the boat pierces them because it is quite lazy to be obese.
Tuxedo cats are generally quite easy to eat and raise. They eat like other normal cats. Tuxedo cat food you can buy at the supermarket or you can make pate for your cat to eat, it is also economical, hygienic,
What do Tuxedo Cats eat?
Here are some tips that Duy collected when caring for Tuxedo cat:
Cats love to eat fish, you can feed them more fish than other foods. However, balance the amount of food and nutrients your cat needs to balance.
Cat nuts and cakes are also things that Tuxedo cats love to eat.
If you feed your cat too much nuts, the unbalanced amount of nutrients for the cat can have digestive problems, especially eating more grains will cause the cat to have kidney stones.
Training and training mode for Tuxedo cats
Spending time with your cat, practicing and exercising with your cat is also something to keep in mind. Creating a separate space for cats to play and run will also help cats avoid the risk of obesity due to inactivity.
For scottish, russian cats and cats, you do not need to be too focused on their movement. But for longhaired, shorthaired and persian cats, exercise is a must, as they are extremely lazy.
Tuxedo cat diseases are often acquired
Each different cat breed will have its own attention to disease, you need to see the T breed. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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