Belgian Becgie – How Much Malinois Shepherd Malinois

You favorite dog in Vietnam today is no stranger to Malinois dog. This breed is a breed of the German Shepherd Dog so it is extremely intelligent, with a large body and sharpness, this dog is used to train the best profession for dog owners. Malinois also have different rates depending on the purpose of each person's use. See the article below by Duypets to know the current price of Belgian Be.
Overview of the price of the Belgian Malinois
The German Shepherd Dog is the first dog in the world

. Over time, thanks to the evolution and crossbreeding of the dog, there were all three lines. In addition to Germany, there are also new Belgian and Russian babies in the world.
Russian puppies are the least popular line of dogs in the Vietnamese market, followed by Belgian dogs and finally German dogs
Certainly the first dog breed to appear earlier has a higher level of popularity.

Belgian Becgie - How Much Malinois Shepherd Malinois

The price of a Bitch dog depends on its popularity. The higher the scarcity of dogs, the higher the price. The price of Bécgie will be softer for children with a high level of popularity.
The Russian baby is very hard to find in Vietnam and almost no one has chosen to breed this dog. You can only find Russian Bettles in their own country. Russian copies cost up to 20 million VND each. Certainly you also need to pay more incurred during the process of transporting dogs to Vietnam

Prices of Belgian Puppies are softer.

Belgian Becgie - How Much Malinois Shepherd Malinois

German kitties are the most popular, so their prices are not too expensive. This breed has been identified as the most suitable of the three lines to choose as pets.
The price of Bécgie dogs in Vietnam generally ranges from VND6-25 million. Buyers can choose according to their pet dog needs
【All Information】 Belgian Malinois The Buyer Must Know
Quotes of Belgian Malinois
How much does a Belgian Malinois cost?
The Belgian Puppies, 2 to 6 months old, have an almost identical appearance. At this time, there has not been any growth in appearance so every child looks like him. When shape cannot be the deciding factor, the origin and identity is the decisive factor for the price of Belgian Belgians. Malinois dog price is divided into 2 levels:
Level 1: VND 6 - 9 million You can buy undocumented Malinois and have been born in Vietnam in this price range. Certainly their parents did not have any achievements in the ranking of foreign dog competitions.

Belgian Becgie - How Much Malinois Shepherd Malinois

In markets specializing in dog and cat sales, pet stores and online dog trading sites are always available. People with average wages will prefer to buy this line of dogs. They are not professional dog breeders and only keep dogs as pets so it is not too important their background.
Level 2: From 15 - 20 million VND The parents of dogs of this type have participated in many competitions and have achieved some respectable achievements. This fully-maled Malinois is fully-documented by VKA - the Association of Breeders in Vietnam.
Prices of Belgian Malinois Becgie dog mature
When 6 months of age or older is when the Belgian Puppies are considered mature. The Belgian Dog is now able to prove his worth. Therefore, the price of the Belgian dog will now be determined by two factors: its appearance and personality.

Belgian Becgie - How Much Malinois Shepherd Malinois

Adult Belgian Puppies can be used as pets or as a professional dog. Adult Belgian Puppies have three prices:
Level 1: From 13 - 18 million VND This breed has a foreign parent and a good pedigree.
Level 2: From 25 - 30 million. Level 2 is better than level 1 in that both their parents are imported and have a clear origin. They have undergone training so the shape and quality are close to the standards of the purebred Malinois. However, this dog line has not participated in any dog competitions.
Level 3: From VND 30 - 40 million. You absolutely can own a purebred and gorgeous Malinois.

Belgian Becgie - How Much Malinois Shepherd Malinois

These 3rd level dogs have participated in dog show contests and achieved remarkable results. They are themselves trained professionally and are willing to listen to all orders of the owner.
4 factors determining the price of the Belgian Malinois?
The price of Becgie Belgian dog is determined by the key factors such as age, background, genealogy and above all its qualities.
The age of Malionis will determine its value including its childhood and adulthood. The price difference between small dogs and adult dogs is quite large.
If trained to be a professional dog, the adults will always have a higher price. Because the extra care and training process has clearly shown its qualities, the high price of a mature dog Can also be reasonable!
Adult Belgian Puppies can cost 2, 3 or more times, or even more than a puppy. It will be priced for it.

Belgian Becgie - How Much Malinois Shepherd Malinois

Based on the rest of the dog.
Background and genealogy
Belgian Puppies born in Vietnam are often bred more often than the original dogs. Net purity.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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