Antifreeze Poisoning (ethylene Glycol) In Cats
Ethylene Glycol is a dangerous chemical for cats. Statistically, this is the chemical that causes cats the most poisoning and can affect their lives. Learn about ethylene glycol poisoning in cats, symptoms and treatments!
>>> READ MORE: TOP ARTICLES OR TIPS <<< Do cats have periods? Early warning signs of diabetic cats What should the mother do if the breast is stretched How to care for old cats according to US experts What is ethylene glycol? Ethylene glycol poisoning is a type of poisoning that occurs after ingestion of antifreeze or other liquids containing ethylene glycol. The compound itself is not toxic, but in the animal's body it is converted into some extremely toxic chemicals that can be fatal. Sources containing ethylene glycol in the environment include antifreeze (the most common source), conditioning coolants, brake fluids, heat derived from solar energy, and fluids used in film processing

Ethylene glycol exposure will lead to acute kidney failure.
Cats are more susceptible to ethylene glycol poisoning than dogs (ingesting a small amount is also poisoned). The minimum lethal dose for a cat is 1.5ml of antifreeze per kilogram of body weight

Treatment should be completed immediately after ingestion of ethylene glycol. If treated immediately and properly, cats will no longer be at risk of kidney failure and have a better chance of survival.
Symptoms of anticoagulant poisoning (ethylene glycol) in cats
More thirsty
Loss of consciousness leads to coma
Expression of being poisoned
Depending on the amount of ethylene glycol ingested, these signs may appear within 30 to 12 hours.
The first symptoms of poisoning will appear after half a day, from the time the cat licks.
How to diagnose cats with anticoagulant poisoning
Diagnostic tests needed to determine ethylene glycol poisoning in cats include:
Complete medical history and physical examination to determine if you are exposed to ethylene glycol or other toxins. Unfortunately, in many cases, the owner will not notice that the cat has been poisoned until they show signs of acute kidney failure such as fatigue, decreased appetite, and vomiting.
Chemical test to detect ethylene glycol in the blood. The test is only accurate if done within 6 to 12 hours after taking ethylene glycol

Urinalysis to assess urine, embryos and calcium oxalate crystals (appears in urine within 3 to 5 hours after ingestion of ethylene glycol). The failure to identify calcium oxalate crystals in urine does not rule out the possibility of ethylene glycol poisoning because crystalline formation can end up a few days after being poisoned.
Analyze venous blood gas to identify severe acidosis (low blood pH) - characteristic for ethylene glycol poisoning.
Blood analysis will help check the amount of anticoagulant in the cat's body.
Serum biochemical test to assess blood calcium levels (hypocalcemia may occur soon after ingestion of ethylene glycol). Renal function tests to detect abnormalities such as high blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine and serum phosphorus will be performed if the cat begins to have acute kidney failure between 12 and 72 hours after taking ethylene glycol. . Serum biochemical tests also help identify electrolyte disorders such as abnormal concentrations of sodium, potassium and chloride in the blood; They also help to evaluate other organ systems such as liver and pancreas function - helping the veterinarian eliminate the possibility of other diseases

Calculate the "osmol gap". If the osmol gap is large, the amount of ethylene glycol metabolized in the blood is also large.
Ultrasound and kidney biopsy if cats are suspected of having kidney failure. On the ultrasound screen, the kidneys lighten up due to ethylene glycol poisoning. A kidney biopsy should be performed to confirm the diagnosis of acute renal failure due to ethylene glycol poisoning because of a possible prognosis and intensive treatment is needed.
How is intensive treatment for poisoned cats?
If a cat is treated by a veterinarian within a few hours of taking ethylene glycol and before having kidney damage, the treatment will work well;. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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