Cat Sphynx Or Egyptian Cat, How To Feed, Care, Eat
Surely no one of you is unaware of the strange cat without fur, looks a little scary right. The breed is called Sphynx, the sphinx Sphynx was discovered in the 1960s and 70s, from a cat named Prune in Canada that had a genetic mutation and no hair.
Because of the bizarre fact, they were bred extensively and became a separate cat like today. The Sphynx cat was originally called the Canadian hairless cat and was renamed by breeders because it has a similar appearance to the sculpture statues called Great Sphynx of Giza in Egypt.
Soon after, the Sphynx cats were recognized by the American Cat Lover Association and one of the most famous Sphynx cats in the world was the Mr
The origin of the Egyptian cat Sphynx
The Sphynx cat is the result of a naturally occurring genetic mutation
This cat is named Prune.
Afterwards, the cat continued to mate with its own mother cat and created many mutations. The name Sphynx originates from a wall in Egypt called Sphynx because there are many similarities between them so people decided to give them that name.
In 2005, this cat was recognized as a separate breed in the world and was considered the weirdest, most horrible cat.
Characteristics of the Egyptian cat Sphynx
It can be seen that the first special feature of this cat is that its coat is smooth, white as albino, but if you look closely, it will have a thin silk slug, not nothing.
The wrinkled skin makes it look older and more intimidating, the more mature the Sphynx cat will become, the more likely it will be to wrinkle.
Their ears are very large and upright, with large round eyes
Because they do not have any hair, their mustaches do not.
Egyptian cat personality
Despite the scary appearance, the Sphynx cat is quite in love, they like to be noticed, friendly and not afraid of strangers. Sphynx cats are also easy to raise, they are not too difficult or require many things.
If you don't pay attention to them, they will find ways to get attention from you, you should also be careful because Sphynx cats are very mischievous if not careful they will break many of your house.
Sphynx's cat personality will probably be quite similar to a dog, because of his diplomacy. Sphynx cats can walk with you all day without getting bored, unlike other cats that are quite sedentary.
The Sphynx cat is considered to be the "ET of the cat world" (implying that they are aliens), but they are extremely sociable with other pets. If your family has other animals, then rest assured, they are not as evil as their appearance.
The Sphynx cat is an extremely intelligent and obedient breed, so it will not be too difficult to train these cats.
Other domestic cats tend to be indifferent to their surroundings, but not to Sphynx. They will cheerfully play even if it is a stranger.
Because of his mischievous and curious nature, Sphynx will cause many homeowners to have a headache because of running away from home to play them. You should spend some of your time playing with cats which will make them much more fun.
Take care of Egyptian cats
Sphynx cat bath
Although Sphynx cats have only a thin undercoat, they also need to be looked after as good cats. The Sphynx cat's skin has a layer of mucus and oil secreted that will moisturize their skin and protect it as the Sphynx cat is generally quite naked.
Therefore, Sphynx cats need to be bathed at least once a week to clean the skin and remove the dirty lubricant.
The Sphynx cat shower gel is also different from other cats, which must contain a lot of moisturizer for the cat's skin. Don't forget to dry your cat after a bath.
Dental hygiene for Egyptian cats
Regardless of the cat, hygiene, oral care is also a necessity. Regular oral hygiene will help them to cover many diseases, if you are busy, you only need to take care of their teeth 1-2 times / week, if you have more time, take care of them mouth care for them day offline.
Sphynx cat diet (What to eat Sphynx cat)
Sphynx's body is hairless, so they also need a different diet than normal cats. They need energy-rich foods to produce energy that keeps their body warm instead of fur.
Sphynx cats need to supplement themselves with more fat and starch, they also eat more than other cats, also because of their sedentary personality.
Skin care for cats without fur Sphynx
The Sphynx cat is kept warm and protected not by the fur but the lubricant on the skin.
Sphynx will be dirty for a long time, the mucus will become dirty, if not cleaned regularly, it will cause skin problems.
Regularly about every week. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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