How To Prevent Dogs From Heat Stroke Due To Heat
A dog suffering from a heat stroke is an excessively high body temperature (the body's temperature in the rectum ranges from 40.5 to 43 degrees Celsius) causing abnormalities in the nervous system and leading to conditions such as coma, weakness, fainting or lethargy. The dog's body has an abnormally high temperature (hyperthermia) because the dog has an airway obstruction or an imbalance between heat generation and heat exhaustion after physical activity. The main cause of heat stroke is when your dog stays in a secret environment or the temperature suddenly rises.
Here PetshopSaigon
Heat shock is a very common disease in Vietnamese dogs.
Normally, dogs release heat through their skin

Diseases related to hyperthermia in dogs include heat stroke, heat exhaustion and heat cramps that can occur after dogs are exposed to extremely high ambient temperatures. All mammals can catch these diseases if proper precautions are not taken.
Heat shock causes dehydration of the dog's muscle groups, resulting in muscle cramps.
Dogs that are at risk for these diseases include:
Dog is obese
Dog physically weak
The dog is sick or is taking some medicine
Brachycephalic breeds (short and big head dogs like Pug, British Bulgie, Boston terrier)
Dogs with obstructive airways
Dog with a history of fever
The dog is dehydrated

Dogs with heart disease
Dogs with poor circulation due to cardiovascular disease or other underlying diseases
Old dogs (large dogs are more than 7 years old, small dogs are more than 14 years old).
Dog with a history of epilepsy. See also: Epilepsy in dogs
The most noticeable sign when a dog is feeling hot is when the tongue is out.
If your dog shows any of the following symptoms, pay special attention:
Wheezing may be due to an upper airway obstruction
Panting too much
Bright red mucosa (gum, conjunctiva of the eye)
Behavioral change
Dengue bleeding (on the gums or skin)
>>> SEE MORE: TOP ARTICLES OR ABOUT DOGS <<< Dog hot body do what? Signs identify dogs replacing teeth What is the most feared dog? Should there be a squeeze for the dog? How to check dogs with heat stroke The diagnostic tests needed to identify dogs with heat stroke and to assess the level of disorders of vital organs include: Complete medical history and thorough physical examination, including rectal temperature measurement. Complete blood count (CBC) to assess the severity of dehydration and cardiac stress Coagulation tests include: coagulation activation time (ACT), prothrombin time (OSPT), partial thromboplastin time (APTT), serum fibrinogen concentration, Check platelet counts and fibrinolytic products (FDP) to determine if your dog has diffuse intravascular coagulation (DIC). DIC is a condition of blood vessel blockage and hemorrhage caused by a severe decrease in blood coagulation factors. The appearance of fibrinolytic products may serve as an important clue to diagnose the condition. Serum biochemical test to check the concentration of glucose in the blood, assess the status of electrolytes, acids and assess the extent of damage of vital organs such as muscles, kidneys, liver

How to treat a dog with heat stroke
The intensity of treatment depends on the cause and the severity of the disease.
If your dog's body temperature is only slightly increased (below 41 degrees), you just need to rest, sit cool fan, drink clean water and observe them carefully.
If the dog's body temperature ranges from 41 degrees to 42 degrees, the dog needs to be hospitalized for fluids and medication.
If the dog's body temperature is very high (above 42 degrees), more aggressive treatments must be carried out. You can cool the dog's body both inside and out by giving it a cool bath or coolant.
If the dog suffers from serious illnesses such as obstruction of the airways, heart disease, lung disease and dehydration, the dog may need to take appropriate medications, supplement oxygen or infusion.
Prompt water supply will help the dog overcome heat stroke.
Heat stroke dogs such as cortisone can be given to dogs; such as dexamethasone or prednison with short effects

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
Liver failure
Acute renal failure
Muscle weakness
Low blood pressure (hypotension)
Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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