Kidney Stones In Cats: Causes, Treatment And Care
Kidney stones in cats are a common disease, and 2 in 3 cats will get it. The function of the urinary system is to eliminate body waste through liquid form. Some mineral wastes dissolve little and can form crystals; If the transit time of these crystals through the urinary tract is prolonged, the crystals can link together to form stones in the kidney. Different types of stones are often related to different specific causes. That's the process of forming kidney stones - a medical term called Nephrolithiasis
Causes of kidney stones in cats
Different types of stones are often related to different specific causes. These may include:
Urinary tract infection or kidney infection
Genetic defect
A diet low in water causes kidney stones in cats
Use certain medications
The body is ill or has a latent disease
In general, although kidney stones and middle-aged cats may be at higher risk for all ages. Short-haired cats also often suffer from kidney stones
Urinary retention and solid urine
Kidney stones are one of the most common diseases in cats

Manifestations of nephrolithiasis in cats
Recurrent urinary tract infections
The above clinical symptoms are based on the location, size, shape and number of stones in the kidney, but there are also cats with kidney stones who do not exhibit clinical symptoms. Other symptoms of kidney stones in the cat, such as painful urination or repeated urination, may indicate a lower urinary tract infection. There are cats who are extremely depressed when they have kidney problems or serious infections.
Thận What are the symptoms of kidney disease in cats?
In-depth information about kidney stones in cats
Kidney stones in cats are caused by a number of reasons, one of which is to increase the body's sensitivity to stones such as congenital defects, metabolic disorders or urinary excretion disorders (this is not a disorder. Specifically).
Kidney stones can cause pain and lead to kidney failure, sepsis (infection in the blood) and even death. Depending on the specific case, diagnostic tests and specific treatments for kidney stones will be outlined
Types of diseases or disorders that can be confused with kidney stones in cats include:
Urinary stones
Lower urinary tract infection
Chronic kidney failure
Be aware of other causes of abdominal pain like pancreatitis or peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal cavity) because some cats with kidney stones will have abdominal pain

It is important to distinguish the types of disorders that cause back pain such as disc protrusion, spinal infection or tumor.
Hyperthyroidism (Cushing's disease), diabetes mellitus, kidney disease and liver disease.
Close-up of a cat's pebble during an X-ray.
How to diagnose kidney stones in cats
Diagnostic tests must be performed to diagnose kidney stones in cats and other illnesses that have similar signs. A complete history of a detailed description of clinical signs and a thorough physical exam are all important parts of the diagnosis of kidney stones. In addition, other additional tests should be performed if recommended, such as:
Complete blood count (CBC) may be within the normal range, although white blood cell counts may increase, especially in cats with pyelonephritis.
The biochemical profile may also be within the normal range, but may thereby detect an increase in kidney enzymes or an abnormality in electrolytes.
Urinalysis can detect blood, white blood cells, proteins, bacteria, crystals and / or white blood cells

A urine culture culture is done to evaluate the status of a urinary tract infection, but may not be effective in some cases.
Abdominal X-rays are usually done to diagnose certain types of stones that are clearly visible on the X-ray. Being within the normal range does not rule out the possibility of cats having kidney stones.
Abdominal ultrasound is useful for evaluating kidneys and confirming the presence, size and number of stones (in addition to assessing stones in the rest of the urinary tract). In addition, characteristic changes in the renal pelvis may be associated with kidney infection, another form of kidney disease, in addition to kidney stones.
Cat pebbles will vary greatly. There are very small ones, but also very big ones

Your veterinarian may recommend some additional diagnoses to diagnose concomitant diseases of the cat. These tests are not required, but may be helpful in each particular case. These include:
X-rays of the urinary system are useful for detecting stones in the upper urinary tract (kidneys and ureters) and can identify other abnormalities such as pyelonephritis or extra-uterine ureters. An ectopic ureter is a congenital abnormality, in which the ureter or renal drainage connects to the bladder in an abnormal position.. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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