Signs And How To Prevent Dog Constipation
Constipation in the dog means they cannot go outside normally. Like humans, older dogs are more likely to suffer from this condition, although the disease can also occur with any breed of dog of any age.
Owners should not be subjective when dogs are constipated because prolonged illness can make the condition more serious.
Causes and diet leading to constipation dog
Much depends on the right nutrition, including the quantity and quality of the product. The following may cause constipation:
The dog eats a large amount of bones, especially tubular boilers;
Pets rearing sloping broth;
In the diet there is a large amount of fiber;
Feed the dog too much
In addition, difficult bowel movements can make dry food unsuitable for pets.
Usually constipation is not an independent disease, but just one of the symptoms of a more serious condition:
Diseases of the digestive tract, liver and kidneys;
Neurological or orthopedic problems;
Parathyroid and prostate diseases in men.
Pet ingestion of foreign objects can also cause fecal blockage

Symptoms, signs of dog constipation
If a person has started a dog, then he should take care of her and pay attention to her health. What can suggest that pets are not okay with the gut?
First of all, a healthy dog goes to the toilet by being big and at least twice a day. If it starts to be emptied less often or stops completely, then this is a reason to get used to its general state, and one should not panic immediately. The number of defecation of an animal depends largely on its size, physiology and age.
First of all, it is necessary to evaluate how a pet behaves. If he is happy, happy, has a good appetite and the stool has a uniform taut uniform, then there is no special reason for the concern.
On the walk, you may find that the dog is trying to defecate, tense, strenuous, but in vain

In addition, there are some symptoms that clearly indicate that the dog is constipated:
Bloating - gas accumulates in the intestine, and the dog often rumbles in the stomach;
Lack of appetite - in case of intestinal obstruction, in most cases, animals refuse to eat;
A dog may vomit;
She drank a lot of water;
General discomfort - a dog with no enthusiasm aware of the message of a walk, moving a bit and trying to go home.
In some cases, you can help your pet yourself, but not always. Seek medical attention if you have the following symptoms:
If bloody stool, foam, undigested food particles are present in the stool;
Stool has a distinct smell and moisture.
Treatments for constipation in dogs
Treatment includes the use of lactulose softeners in the feces - Duphalac, Lizolac, Lactusan, Livo-varnish, Portalak. Alternatively, for this purpose, you can use liquid paraffin.
The most effective method to relieve pet constipation, as well as to prevent them from being an enema. They successfully cleaned hard stone gut.
If a diagnostic study shows that the dog's intestines are full of bone fragments, surgery is often needed to remove them under general anesthesia.

If constipation is accompanied by excessive vomiting and a complete lack of appetite, supportive therapy is prescribed in the form of drops, protecting the body from dehydration.
In more complex cases, the vet may resort to amputation of a large intestine along with the volume that fills it.
First aid method when dogs are constipated
If you see a thread or string in the dog's anus, do not pull it out. Because doing so could hurt internal organs. Other important things to note:
Always wear latex gloves when clearing stool and handling other anal problems.
If you see grass in the anus, gently remove it.
If stools stick around your anus, cut carefully with scissors. (For long-haired dogs, refer below.

Wash the anal area with warm water, soap and apply a water-soluble cream (such as K-Y) to the inflamed area.
Measure the temperature of the dog. If the temperature is abnormally high or there is blood on the thermometer or the dog resists when inserting the thermometer into the anus, take it to the vet immediately (within 24 hours).
Long-haired dogs, especially small dogs like Yorkies and Lhasa Apsos, can become crazy with discomfort due to the feces sticking around the anus and having their hair trimmed. You may have to soak your dog's anus in warm water before starting to clean it to make him more comfortable.
Nutrition for dogs when constipated
If the dog has no special symptoms that require medical assistance, the owner can help the pet by changing the diet:
The following products are excluded from the diet: rice, beans, meat broth, corn, muscle (muscle) meat, cheese, and fermented dairy products.. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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