What Should Cats Eat To Keep Their Children From Vomiting?
What should feed kittens is a question many new owners raise cats. The young stage is when cats need nutrients for the body to develop comprehensively. What kind of cat food is easy to digest and what does the baby eat without vomiting? Let PetshopSaigon.vn discover the foods necessary for kittens.
DRY FOOD FOR CAT is the most popular
What food is suitable for kittens?
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How to use sanitary cat for cats What to feed cats to smooth?
Like a human, for a newborn baby, breast milk is an excellent source of nutrition for cats' development
If the kitten is unfortunate to lose its mother or the mother cat is lacking milk. Now need colostrum supplements for kittens

You can easily teach your cat to eat properly from an early age.
Why do kittens often vomit?
Once you've taken good care of each meal and your cat is still vomiting, here are some reasons you can refer to:
At the time of weaning, feed the cat too full. Your baby's digestive tract is not yet stable, so having lots of food at once will make the intestines full. And putting food upside down is the body's response to keeping the digestive system from overloading.
Constantly changing new foods makes your baby's digestive system intolerable.
The food is not fully cooked yet. In addition, processed foods are too big for the cat to choke or feed the cat bones that have not been crushed
What should the kitten over 1 month old eat?
Once 1 month of age, this is a good time for a cat to eat miles

With 1-month-old kittens, you should give your baby soft foods that will not affect his digestion.
Beginning with weaning, cook a little diluted porridge, without vegetables or meat. Then, pour it on a plate to let the cat lick. Porridge should be arranged for the cat to eat at meals and breast milk will be a snack

What should cats eat to get enough nutrition?
If you do not know how to feed your cat with rice + vegetables + meat ratio, please apply the following recipe. Every kg of cat weight needs 40-50gr of food. The proportions are as follows: 50% animal meat + 20% starch + 20% green vegetables.
If you do not have much time, you can train your cat to eat nuts because the seeds are full of nutrients for the kitten's body to grow.
Kinds of meat
Meats and poultry are the favorite food of cats

Types of seafood
Fish and shrimp are also favorite cat foods. For fish, you should remove the bones to avoid puppies. Shrimp should be peeled if fed to cats because it contains benzoic acid that is not good for pet health.
Every day kittens need to absorb 10-15gr of vegetables. You can cook with porridge or boil and then mix with rice to feed the dog. Do not feed your cat with spinach, green bean carrots, grapes because they are bad for the digestive system and can cause poisoning.
Types of poultry eggs
Chicken eggs or duck eggs are not only a good source of protein but also contain a lot of calcium good for the skeletal system

Do not throw away the eggs, but shred them thoroughly into the food to provide calcium for the cat. Absolutely do not give kittens raw eggs can cause a number of dangerous diseases such as digestive tract infections.
A small note that you should not puree your food, because it will lose the amount of natural taurine. Without this substance, cats may be more susceptible to cardiovascular disease or color blindness.
📍 Is Royal Canin Cat Food Good?
Should milk supplement during this period?
Milk is also a food supplement for cats at this stage. You should give your cat age milk to supplement calcium and a healthy digestive system. Absolutely do not give cow's milk because cow's milk contains high levels of lactose causing diarrhea

In addition to homemade foods, dry food is also a good choice for kittens. Today, ready-to-eat foods contain all the necessary nutrients for cats. If you are busy, dry food is a great choice because they are very convenient and preserved for a long time.
In addition to dry food, you can also feed your baby with milk. Cats can drink milk between 1 and 4 months of life.
Thus, PetshopSaigon.vn has just shared with you the experience should let the kitten eat so that the dog will not vomit and grow healthy. Hope with this information will help you

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