How can you check the tongue to know immediately how you are doing? Tongue which color is in good health, pink, red, yellow or white ... If your tongue is pale, has no coating, and signs like dizziness, forgetfulness, or sleeplessness, chances are you are suffering from anemia. Refer to the ...
The Story of the Master Lang FOR GOOD HEALTH Someone has said, "Living healthy is not an art we have to learn, it's an innate tendency to return to it." In Asia, we have the concept of "humanity and detail, goodness". Initially, everything was fine. After birth, the mother is round, the child is ...
To have a good health, a clear mind, a rich source of energy for daily living activities requires a whole process of caring and protecting health formed from a variety of care measures and Good habits differ in the spirit of "small to big". This must be done for a long time, not just day one, day ...
1. Walk up the stairs Modern life, escalators and elevators are present in many places, but workplaces, hotels, shopping malls, you should 2. Sleep well If you do not sleep well, it will definitely make your health worse. Therefore, find ways to sleep well if you want to have a healthy life. 3. Say ...
Creating a good habit before going to bed will help you have a more comprehensive health and avoid many risks of diseases, in addition to giving you a deep and comfortable sleep. SucKhoe9.Com introduces some healthy bedtime habits for you. Bedtime habits are good for health ...
Circular sitting posture is widely applied in many cases, more convenient than lying down, not sleepy, less headache, dizziness ... Sitting is a key measure in practicing qigong. When sitting, the facial expression must be fresh and gentle, eyes lightly closed, mouth naturally closed, the tip of ...
In life and in study there are many factors both objective and subjective, making you unable to focus. Here are tips to help you stay focused in the learning process. Ensuring health Health is the most important and most common cause of distraction in study and work. However, students (especially ...
Body age young or old according to experts can be predicted through what you eat, drink, daily activities. Many people think that when you are young, you do not need to worry about aging problems of your body. Some even say that when you turn the age of "hash", you ...
Bad habit of forgetting to wash your hands when going to the kitchen Hand washing is essential in getting started in the kitchen for cooking. Washing your hands not clean or forgetting to wash your hands will have a huge impact on your health. Because then the food can be contaminated, ...
For health care and protection, the motto of prevention is better than cure is always correct in all cases, you will have a good health, high resistance, an effective immune system if any. A good sense of prevention is also the foundation for you to constantly improve your quality of life and ...
Wisdom penis cancer is a common disease, but its dangers are not small. The quick prevention and early treatment will prevent the disease from spreading and is safe for the health of men. Here's how to prevent and treat penile cancer. How to prevent penile cancer: - Vaccination against HPV type ...
Breakfast is essential for everyone, providing energy for activities during the day. Also, overnight, your body needs nutrients and food to work back to normal. Waking up in the morning can be difficult for many people, especially those accustomed to working overtime or working late into the ...
While many people are in need of weight loss, there are a large number of women who want to gain weight by all means. When hearing the story "want to gain weight", many women will certainly say: "easy". However, for those who are overweight, how easy this is, for those who ...
As humans, we all want to live long, sometimes even want life to be eternal. But we ourselves cannot deny the law of creation. So to live longer, we must first have health. Healthy people will have a long life expectancy. So what must we do to have good health? The following 10 methods will help ...
Health is the best valuable thing of human. This is especially true for those who are preparing to build a nest. But how to be in good health when you have to deal with a ton of work? Very simple. (SKDS) - Health is the most precious human capital. This is especially true for those who are ...