What are the causes of premature aging of the ovaries? There are actually two groups of causes that lead to this condition: spontaneous and subjective causes. Ovaries nourish mature eggs to ovulate and conceive. Like any part of the body, the ovaries are also ‘old’ and also at an aging stage. ...
Fish is not only rich in protein, essential vitamins and trace elements but also contains many unsaturated acids and fats. However, for some special people, especially those with some illnesses, more attention should be paid to eating this dish. In particular, eating fish also helps prevent ...
The skin under the chin has many wrinkles making the face become unbalanced but in the long term also affects the psychology of the sufferer. Therefore, removing slack skin under the chin by surgery is the safest and most effective solution. Causes of sagging skin under the chin Sudden weight gain, ...
Owning flawless bright white skin is always the wish of any woman. Let's find out the simple yet effective whitening secrets below, you will surely get surprising results. The secret to whitening your skin with lemon The secret to whitening with lemon seems simple but not everyone knows. The ...
According to scientific studies, a number of occupations with high sitting time are more susceptible to dangerous diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular, physiological weakness, diabetes ... bunch of diseases that we didn't even know about. Jobs with a lot of sitting time Officer It is estimated ...
Instead of using weight loss drugs, belly fat melting creams, why don't you start exercising to make your body slimmer and increase its resistance? In addition, playing sports also helps you relax your mind, rest after a hard working day. With the motto of creating a clear mind in a healthy body, ...
Here are tips to help you eat dinner scientifically. 1. The most appropriate dinner time The most appropriate dinner time is about 6 hours, within 4 hours after dinner should not sleep immediately. Dinner will eat better, how much sleep depends on the health and needs of each person to decide, it ...
Let's take a look at 10 calcium-rich foods for the body to help increase resistance, improve the immune system. Broccoli One cup of broccoli juice contains fairly large amounts of calcium as well as manganese, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. In addition, it also contains vitamins A, C ...
Rhinoplasty, chin implant, skin tightening ... with filler fillers are many women use instead of cosmetic surgery. What is a filler filler? Filler is a filling substance made of Hyaluronic Acid - a natural substance that exists in the human body. When injected into the body, they will immediately ...
It is unfortunate for people with oily hair. This type of hair is not smooth, smooth or 'stick' together, causing discomfort and loss of aesthetics. However, you can still overcome this drawback in many ways. Oily hair is caused by a change in the amount of hormones of the oily gland in the hair ...
Children with fever are a constant concern of every family, especially families who have their first child. Because of worry, many mothers often use the wrong medicine, overdose causes many harmful effects on the health of children. When using fever-reducing medicines for children, note the ...
The daily diet plays an important role in the quantity and quality of sperm in men. Experts recommend that if the couple is in the period of expecting children should not eat the following foods, because it can cause male sperm to fall rapidly or cause infertility. 1. Fried food There are many ...
Question: Recently, I see that my eyes sometimes look blurred, I feel like something is in my eyes, burning, itchy eyelids. I went to the doctor and was told by my doctor that I had dry eye syndrome that was cured. I want to ask you precious, dry eye cause complications? (Le Xuan My - Thanh ...
If you regularly consume the products containing the following five vitamins, it will help prevent the growth of cancer cells, improve health status. See more: Discount 25% for gastrointestinal cancer screening 1. Beta-carotene Beta-carotene is a rich source of vitamin A. You can find this nutrient ...
Garlic, onions, alcohol, fish, ... are the foods that cause bad breath. After eating these foods, you may feel less confident communicating with others. However, there are many simple ways to get rid of a bad breath immediately. Eat foods from peppermint and cinnamon These foods have a ...