20 Special Things You Can Only See In Germany

Germany is an interesting and special country. For example, there is no penalty here for escaping from prison because they realize that the search for freedom is a natural instinct?
20 special things you can only see in Germany
1. Female bodybuilder preparing for the Oktoberfest October Festival
Did you know that Oktoberfest is actually held in September? It is an important festival in Bavarian culture and the Germans are always prepared for this festival. It's no surprise that the girls need to work out first because even the waitresses at the festival need a good body to serve beer during the holiday season.

. Finger wrestling
Bavarian men know how to train, exercise and stretch their fingers in search of one of the world's weirdest championships - Fingerhakeln. Competitors of this championship latched their fingers on the middleman and started pulling in the opposite direction until one of them gave in.
Sausage vending machine
What do you think about food from vending machines? Probably a box of chewing gum, a chocolate bar or a cookie, right? However, the vending machine in Germany specializes in selling sausages, the famous German sausage made from minced pork, beef or veal.

20 Special Things You Can Only See In Germany

4. Pumpkin boat race
Nothing out of the ordinary here - just a man rowing a giant pumpkin in the middle of a river! Such championships take place in Germany once a year in the fall. Maybe these are really yachts that turn into pumpkins when the clock rings at midnight!
5. No speed limit
Have you ever seen this sign? If you happen to be driving on German Autobahns, you need to know what it means: no speed limit. So it's completely legal to enjoy top speed!
6. Traditional strap leather shorts
"Lederhosen" is the traditional Bavarian clothing. Everyone wears them at Oktoberfest, even pets!
Championship deer call competition
This man is a participant in the deer calling championship held in Germany.

20 Special Things You Can Only See In Germany

Contestants imitate the call of a male's mates, whoever does the best will become the winner.
8. Priority is given to signs
Even if a small pedestrian crosses the street in a small village somewhere in Germany, they can carry a few signs to warn drivers from all different angles.
9. Funny warning signs
This sign actually means "don't bring your baby to crocodile food". In fact, until recently, feeding crocodiles and even swimming with them was often the popular attraction at Friedberg's German town's local zoo. But now it is no longer available because the court ruling banned such activities.

20 Special Things You Can Only See In Germany

Football is a king sport
Football is the most popular sport in Germany. Football is played by people in schools, universities, on TV and to stadiums to cheer on their favorite football teams. Ballball is also a popular sport. It is not surprising that the world's largest table tennis table is located in Germany.
11. Types of sausages
There are over 1,000 different sausages in Germany, typically Blutwurst, weisswurst, leberwurst,… Some people call Wifi Germany “wurst.
12. Traditional German fast food
Currywurst is the most famous German fast dish containing Bratwurst with a sauce made from tomato, curry and paprika.

20 Special Things You Can Only See In Germany

Currywurst chips are extremely popular here!
13. Narrowest street in the world
Spreuerhofstrasse, located in the German city of Reutlingen, is considered to be the narrowest street in the world. It is only 31 cm wide - a Guinness world record.
14. The water pipe can sing
When art and music come together, they form a chord you won't believe! Just look at this house - it comes to life when it starts to rain. Are you going to Dresden to enjoy the Kunsthofpassage and this "unusual" orchestra?
15. Curve truck design
The installation of this surreal truck is located in one of the streets in a German city called Karlsruhe. However, the fee for sending this vehicle is 30 Euro per turn.

20 Special Things You Can Only See In Germany

16. Chancellor Angela Merkel's Barbie doll
It's hard to imagine German chancellor Angela Merkel playing dolls too. However, she has a doll in her own brand and wears an elegant, classic outfit.
17. Pillows are weapons
In the German mindset, pillows are really dangerous. Therefore, under German law, pillows can be considered a "passive weapon".
18. It is forbidden to give strange names to children
If you live in Germany and want to name your baby "Woodstock", you obviously can't.

20 Special Things You Can Only See In Germany

The government there may reject the name because it seems too strange. They say they don't want the baby to be ashamed of the future. However, names such as Jazz and Lafayette were allowed.
19. "Fake" bus stop
Many nursing homes in Germany have fake bus stops. If a patient with Alzheimer's someday "fled" from a nursing home, they will inevitably go to the bus stop - and that's where caregivers will find them.
20. Raw pork dishes, Hedgedog
When you have to choose food for one.

20 Special Things You Can Only See In Germany

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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