10 Interesting Facts About Senegal – The First African Representative To Win The World Cup

Not only did the team beat Poland, but Senegal also surprised visitors from a taxi with a tail to a giant pink lake.
10 interesting facts about Senegal - the first African representative to win the World Cup
Giant Pink Lake: The pale pink color of Lake Lac Rose is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to the abnormally high salt content in the water, attracting a harmless bacterium. These tiny creatures produce red pigment that absorbs sunlight. Photo: Pinterest.
Taxi with a tail: Senegal drivers believe that goat tails will bring them luck when they are mounted behind the car

. Telegraph correspondent Gavin Haines judged many of them indeed need a lot of luck with the rather rude drive. Photo: Twitter.
Island from seashells, shells: As one of the countries with the most recycling projects in the world, Senegal people have created an island named Fadiouth, made from millions of shells, shells

10 Interesting Facts About Senegal - The First African Representative To Win The World Cup

. with about 8,000 people live. Photo: Inspirations Voyage famille Jomier.
The Great Green Wall: Senegal is one of 11 African countries participating in the project to build the Great Green Wall - the green version of the Great Wall in China. This tree wall helps African people to protect themselves from desertification when affected by the Sahara, helping to improve the agricultural sector, boosting the economy ..
Photo: DW.

10 Interesting Facts About Senegal - The First African Representative To Win The World Cup

The sea sheeps: Once set as the setting for the movie The Endless Summer, Senegal is one of the countries with the best seas to surf. Even the sheep surf - but only every Sunday, according to the New York Times. If you arrive in the capital Dakar on Sunday, you will see farmers taking the sheep to the shore for a washing ceremony. They will be bathed, manicured, and swim-free with the waves before returning to their regular pastoral life. Photo: Pinterest.
Dark past: Senegal used to be the center of slave traders, today you can learn the history of this dark period on the House of Slaves on Goree Island, right next door. capital city coast Dakar. “It is a place where the impossible happened.

10 Interesting Facts About Senegal - The First African Representative To Win The World Cup

The Door of No Return Museum is especially difficult to visit, straight to the sea, where tens of thousands of slaves are loaded onto ships leaving Africa without a return date ", Gavin recall. Despite its unsettling history, today Senegal is one of the safest countries in Africa, although neighboring countries Mali and Mauritania are always destinations where many foreign ministries recommend citizens to be cautious when traveling. Photo: Visitezle Senegal.
Special Capital: Dakar is the westernmost point on the mainland of Africa, meaning the capital is the continent's last place to catch sunrises and sunsets. Photo: Skillzography.
Africa's tallest statue: With a height of 49 m standing tall in the middle of the capital Dakar, the African Renaissance Monument is the tallest statue on the continent. Although this is a design by a Senegal architect, the bronze statue was constructed by a North Korean construction company, according to the Telegraph. Photo: Alamy.

10 Interesting Facts About Senegal - The First African Representative To Win The World Cup

World Heritage: Senegal owns 7 world heritage sites, including Goree Island, Saloum Delta Delta, Bassari Country Scenic Area, Saint-Louis Island, Stone Circles of Senegambia Ancient Stone Relic, Djoudj Bird Sanctuary and Niokolo-Koba National Park (photo). Photo: Wikipedia.
Niokolo-Koba National Park is also the ideal place for visitors to see Senegal's lions - national symbols. In fact, the Senegal lion almost completely disappeared from this West African country, many conservation efforts are underway to increase the number. Photo: Paulin Guilmot.
The seductive dance of West African women: Sabar is the traditional dance of Senegal women with sexy movements and requires good physical strength. The kicking phase, swinging hands in the rhythm of the drum, made viewers unable to take their eyes off.
According to Pham Huyen / Vnexpress

10 Interesting Facts About Senegal - The First African Representative To Win The World Cup

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