Medical Knowledge

  • Vasectomy is one of the family planning methods that many couples have used. However, there are still many people who do not believe in using this method because they believe that sexual capacity will be less and the sex will be changed. So what is the reality? Sterilization is actually a ...
  • At 16 weeks pregnant, you can easily feel your changes from shape to emotion. So, what are the other signs of change in pregnant women, let's find out. The nausea no longer exists By the 16th week of pregnancy, morning sickness symptoms have been reduced or gone completely. During this time your ...
  • The sweat glands are operated by parasympathetic nerves. When this nervous system is stimulated, it will promote the sweat glands to produce more sweat. However, when the body is in a state of stillness, when the body is completely inactive, especially at night and sweating, people call it thief ...
  • Hiccups are a very normal physiological phenomenon in infants. Although it does not affect the health of the baby, but if the mother knows some tips to treat hiccups will help the baby feel much more comfortable. Hiccups are the phenomenon of sudden involuntary contractions from the diaphragm, ...
  • Apart from being nutritious, honey can also be used to treat many ailments. Therefore, many mothers often use it to clean their mouths, tongue or mix with sugar substitutes to make it easier for children to eat. Few people know that honey is picky about the object of use, especially for ...
  • The habit of regular and constant smoking not only affects health but also reduces the fertility of many men. In recent years, the rate of male infertility has increased one of the causes of this condition is tobacco. Why does smoking increase male infertility rates? According to research by the ...
  • If you smoke regularly and want to become pregnant, stop this. The effects of smoking can cause infertility in anyone. The following 5 smoking-related effects on fertility you need to know. 1.Smoking can cause infertility Smokers experience more fertility problems than non-smokers. If you smoke for ...
  • Unreasonable food choices and diet are factors that increase the risk of infertility if you consume too much. Be wary of bad drinks, as they can cause infertility. Not only does it directly affect health, but some of the drinks below can reduce your chances of conceiving if used in excess. Drinks ...
  • In order to have a perfect baby, one of the most important things is to closely monitor the pregnancy by visiting the doctor at least 3 times. There are some basic shots when pregnant, but it's important for mothers to pay attention. Vaccination against tetanus twice The first shot should be given ...
  • Unexpected pregnancy and having an abortion are undesirable because it affects not only health but also jobs related to "moral virtue". In fact, abortion always implies unexpected dangers. Whether using drugs or abortion procedures, complications after abortion can occur including infertility. In ...
  • Irregular menstrual periods indicate a problem with your body's health Some menstrual abnormalities threaten a woman's ability to get pregnant. Menstrual disorders Menstrual disorders or irregular menstruation are signs that a woman's reproductive health is good. An irregular menstrual cycle, less ...
  • Full nutrition is not only good for your health, but it also plays an important role in helping your spouse and children have children quickly. Not only the wife, the husband also needs good nutrition to quickly get pregnant. Nutrition experts say the following foods are very good and necessary for ...
  • Hyperthyroidism is an excess of thyroid hormone circulating in the blood due to an increase in thyroid activity. The trend of people suffering from this disease is increasing. More significantly, complications of the disease can affect pregnancy or increase the risk of infertility. Hyperthyroidism ...
  • Even though you have given birth to your first child, there are cases where you cannot get pregnant next time. These cases are called secondary infertility. Where to lead to this situation? Please refer to the following article to learn more about the disease. If your spouse has maintained a ...
  • Infertility is an undesirable disease in both men and women, depending on the cause that there are different treatments for infertility for men and women. At present, the increasing female infertility rate makes infertile couples more and more. With the advancement of medicine, more and more ...