The eyebrows have a great influence on the aesthetics of the eyes and the face. If the eyebrows are sagging, sagging too close to the eyes, the face will always feel tired and old. Eyebrow lift at Hopital cosmetic is the fastest way to make your eyebrows more beautiful. Lifting the eyebrows is a ...
With the advantage of not leaving scars, not taking much time for convalescence, the long-term effectiveness of eye-opening surgery has quickly gained the trust of numerous customers. Who should have open-eye surgery? At Hopital aesthetic, eye-opening surgery is usually applied with the following ...
The fat under your eyes, though not harmful to your health, is a major aesthetic problem that needs to be addressed. Red-eye removal surgery at Hopital is currently being selected by many interested customers to rejuvenate the eyes. Surgical procedure for removing puffiness Natural puffiness ...
Infertility among men in recent years has been increasing, more and more Vietnamese men have been diagnosed with no sperm or poor sperm quality. Modern science clarifies the cause of infertility, and identifies infertility rates between women and men, 40% for women, 40% for men, and the rest for ...
Ear enlargement surgery is an ear shaping surgery that helps to make the outer ear bigger or deformed. Hopital Aesthetic surgery to enlarge the ear, customers will be guaranteed the highest safety and efficiency. Beautiful, fit, balanced ear canal after surgery to enlarge the ear Please contact ...
A sexy, seductive lips is always the desire of every woman. However, not everyone who is born is lucky enough to own a new, symmetrical couple. Some people have lips that are too thin or too thick to make them unhappy with their faces. If you perform a lip filling and thinning surgery at Hopital ...
So how to supplement vitamin A effectively? Vitamin A has many important functions for the survival and development of human organs. The role of vitamin A Vitamin A is important for the survival and development of human organs. It participates in the creation of tissues, skin, and retina in the ...
The effects of age, environmental factors and genetics ... are factors that make your eyes become tired with sunken eye sockets deep, sinking completely inside the eyebrow bone. Surgical method of filling the eye socket safely is the optimal choice to overcome this situation. Previously, we were ...
Obviously, drinking water is good for your health, but drinking it improperly will have the opposite effect. Drink too much water Hearing that water is good for health in every way, a lot of people think ‘drink as much water as possible. But this is not true. No matter how good the body is, the ...
People with chronic headaches will feel more comfortable by applying hot chrysanthemum leaves and drinking chrysanthemum juice. This vegetable also cures cough well. Cabbage is rich in nutrients, in addition to lipids, protit, gluxit also has vitamins B, C and vitamin A. According to Oriental ...
Increasing infertility rate is increasing and is becoming the anxiety of many couples. There are many factors affecting fertility, increasing the risk of infertility, and drinking too much alcohol can also cause serious problems with sperm quality, egg quality and fertility. pregnant. Female ...
Question: My child is 6 years old, he is very active. In the past 1 year, I have suffered 3 times of trauma to the eye area, fortunately, ambulance was timely provided. Now my family has moved to a new place, away from the hospital. Ask your doctor for instructions on how to deal with eye injuries ...
The dream of being a parent is probably the dream of every couple. But maybe for some of the reasons below, you and your husband may not have children by chance. Habitat When regularly exposed to toxic chemicals such as pesticides, strong cleaning chemicals, food preservatives, radioactive ...
Hepatitis B of all ages and genders can be infected by viruses, of which hepatitis B is the most dangerous, especially in newborns, and the negative consequences can occur. What causes hepatitis B? The main cause of hepatitis B virus infection in newborns is that the mother becomes infected with ...
Gingivitis is one of the most common diseases today, if not treated early can lead to dangerous complications such as gum disease, spread to muscle and bone tissue, and can even cause loss. tooth; increase the risk of stroke, pneumonia, heart attack, pregnant women are more likely to give birth ...