Liver enzymes play an important role in the refining of the food that is delivered to the liver into nutrients that feed the body and release toxins out. If liver enzymes are low, it means that the liver is damaged, greatly affecting the patient's health. The following article will help readers ...
Stretch marks during pregnancy are an obsession of many pregnant mothers because it can leave bad scars after giving birth. Therefore, moms are always looking for effective preventive and remedial measures to minimize this situation. Stretch marks occur when? Pregnancy is the happy journey of most ...
Depression during pregnancy is a nightmare for all pregnant women because it not only affects the health of the mother but also adversely affects the physiology of the fetus. Therefore, understanding the cause and how to overcome this situation is the best way to protect both mother and child. What ...
During pregnancy, many pregnant women struggled with digestive disorders. It greatly affects the life and health of the pregnant mother, making her extremely uncomfortable. Cause of digestive disorders A digestive disorder is an abnormal digestive system condition, which makes it harder to consume ...
Biliary stones are a common disease that greatly affects the health and life of patients. If biliary stones are not diagnosed and treated promptly, they can lead to fatal complications. Cholangiolithiasis is what disease? The appearance of stones (made up of bilirubin) in the bile ducts, ...
One of the most common hepatobiliary conditions is cholangiolithiasis, which is characterized by obstruction of the bile ducts because of gallstones in the common bile duct causing many symptoms. Gallstone stones is what disease? Gallstones are a condition in which the stones in the bile duct pass ...
If you have liver damage or impaired liver function, you may not have the liver function. This is a serious condition and is divided into acute and chronic liver failure. What is chronic and acute liver failure? The two types of liver failure can be distinguished based on the following ...
Diet directly affects the recovery process of cholecystectomy patients. Therefore, find out what foods to eat, not to eat to ensure the best for your own health. Foods to eat after cholecystectomy In order for the surgical recovery process to occur quickly and smoothly, people who have just had ...
Gallbladder stones can be effectively treated by laparoscopic cholecystectomy. This method is considered a "gold standard" in the treatment of gallbladder stones, helping remove stones, recovery time after surgery quickly and ensure aesthetics for patients. What is gallstones? The gallbladder is ...
Gallbladder stones are considered to be the precursors of gallstones. They appear quietly and may dissolve. Although not too dangerous, it is necessary to prevent and treat early to prevent complications. What is gallstones mud? The gallbladder is an important part of the digestive system, which ...
Cholecystitis is one of the most common gastrointestinal complications, especially in middle-aged people and older. If cholecystitis is not treated in time, it will lead to serious consequences and most have cholecystectomy. What is cholecystitis? Your gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ on ...
Gallbladder cholesterol stones account for about 10% of people with gallbladder stones in general and most are found when it is too late, resulting in gallbladder removal. Cholesterol gallstones is what disease? Gallbladder cholesterol stones are one of the most common types of gallstones that ...
Gallstones are stones that form in the bile. Gallstones are not common in children but are at high risk for some special subjects. Gallbladder stones in children are more dangerous than adults, so they need to be detected and treated promptly. Pebbles are the result of a buildup of substances like ...
According to the Canadian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (SOGC): "In the early stages of labor, eating a small amount will help pregnant women not become dehydrated and help you maintain your strength." This helps your uterus perform the best and most powerful when provided with ...
Hemangiomas in the liver can cause serious liver damage if not treated promptly. This condition needs to be detected early and treated to protect the health of the sick person. Hemangioma of the liver is what disease? Hepatic hemangioma is a benign tumor in the liver that is made up of a tangle of ...