Question: I have myopia from grade 6, now I go to college but every time I use computer, I feel tired eyes, sometimes headache. I heard that taking oral tobicom is good for the eyes. Please ask what is my illness? How to treat? Should I take the medicine on? (Nguyen Ninh - Hai Phong) Reply People ...
Question: My mother has had gout for 2 years now. In addition to medication, doctors say nutrition for patients is important. My family does not know how to feed my mother, please consult a doctor. (Hoang Thanh Mai - Lang Son) Reply Gout has been considered a disorder of human purine metabolism, ...
Lemon is a precious fruit, very popular in our country. It has many effects in everyday life: as a spice, refreshing drinks, healing ... Especially, lemons also have many effects for pregnant women. Antiemetic Take 500g of fresh lemon, peel, remove seeds, cut pieces, mix well with sugar or honey, ...
Middle ear infections (also called middle ear infections) are common in young children. The disease can be repeated many times, but it will end when the child reaches school age so parents should not be too worried. The cold season is a time when babies are very susceptible to ear infections, so ...
Cold symptoms, stuffy nose also significantly improved. Saunas also help treat allergic rhinitis and sinusitis, etc. In beauty, sauna is an effective and economical care measure. During the steaming process, the pores expand, pushing the debris out, helping skin clear acne and stimulate collagen ...
Question: I'm 24 years old, pregnant for the first time in the 7th month, about a week now with very large edema. Please ask the doctor if the cause and leg edema are dangerous? (Tran Thi Phuong - Lang Son) Answer Foot edema is very common for pregnant women, especially during the last 3 months. ...
Bitter melon is found in many tropical regions around the world. For a long time, bitter melon has been used as a food and in medicine. Bitter melon also known as bitter melon, is melon or melon family. Bitter melon has bitter lumps and has a bitter taste. Bitter melon contains a variety of ...
The causes of constipation are very diverse, so patients should be carefully examined, diagnosed and correctly identified for treatment, in order to prevent serious diseases such as colorectal, colon and post-cancer. subjects ... How to prevent constipation: constipation prone people should pay ...
You may have chronic constipation or stomach or duodenal ulcers? Then regularly store potatoes in your home Potatoes are very nutritious, besides starch also has fat, protein, cellulose, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and vitamins of group B, group C and vitamin A. In many countries around ...
Q: I'm a 29 year old female and unmarried. I have a problem with my hemorrhoids. Nowadays, I have a lot of difficulties in daily activities like sitting also, pain is painful and eating is also uncomfortable. Hope your doctor advise, with this disease, is there any method just need to take medicine ...
Older people often lie in a long place or because of polio, urinary incontinence is very easy to lead to sores. Skin ulcers in the elderly need immediate treatment to make them comfortable, painless, and to avoid infections. If not taken care of from the beginning, then from a small ulcer will lead ...
Children Hospital No. 2, Ho Chi Minh City, recently gave timely emergency to 2 cases of children with traumatic brain injury from domestic accidents. Traumatic brain injury in children is always a potential danger, the risk of injury is everywhere ... From tragic cases The first case was a baby, ...
Recent surveys have shown that Vietnamese people are inclined to eat quite a lot of salt. The average amount of salt consumed per person from 18 - 22g per day, while the recommended amount is about 5 - 6g. Thus, the amount of salt is 3-4 times more than recommended. While the salty taste of salt is ...
For patients with uterine fibroids, diet is important because increasing estrogen levels in the body will make the condition worse. What are Fibroids? Fibroids form in and around the uterine wall and are made up of connective tissue and uterine smooth muscle. Uterine fibroids are benign and do not ...
Choosing a safe place to give birth is essential and very important for all mothers about to give birth. The safest and safest place to give birth is at a health facility. However, it is the custom in some localities that when women give birth, women must "overcome" on their own, sit, or lay in ...