Fruits like oranges and tangerines often work very well for health. Besides, their shells also have very effective uses. Here are some uses of orange peel and tangerine peel: Uses of orange peel: headache treatment When you have a headache, boil orange, tangerine, and then steam your face. In less ...
Recently, science has proven that corn contains more than 80 beneficial substances, including fiber, vitamins, minerals, protit, sugar, starch, antioxidants and fatty oils. Regular granules should be used, milk only occasionally. Anti-constipation and intestinal diseases because corn is a source of ...
Today women often focus more on exercise due to health needs. Exercise is a method to help control weight, fight disease, relieve stress, help sleep, increase energy as well as be useful for sex life. Most people often do morning exercise with an empty stomach. That is completely wrong, because it ...
Diarrhea often occurs in children and when their children are found to have diarrhea, parents often rush to buy medicine for their children to drink. From folklore, there are many ways to treat diarrhea without overdoing the high-dose medications often with side effects. 1. Green sapodilla cure ...
The following article will help you answer the questions surrounding buying maternity insurance, why and when to buy it at the best time. Learn about maternity insurance Targeting women workers in particular and women who are planning to have children in general, maternity insurance protects ...
There are many foods that are considered good for the digestive system. However, these are the "culprits" that make children feel full. Mothers, let's see what these foods are. Mashed potato Potatoes are a good source of protein, calories, vitamins and lots of other trace elements. Therefore, many ...
Oranges are one of the most used fruits in the world. Do you know the amazing uses that oranges bring to human health? Oranges are rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals. According to British scientists, "An orange contains about 170 mg of phytochemicals, including skin care and anti-aging, on ...
Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes are not good for a flat stomach. This is because, potatoes can increase stomach acid production. People with inflammation and stomach pain should not eat potatoes, especially when hungry, if they want to avoid aggravating their disease. These combine with stomach acid ...
Diet should be provided with enough energy and nutrients to ensure improved health and nutritional status. "Should have breakfast like the king, lunch like the rich, dinner like a beggar, that's a saying that implies, helps us divide the diet in a reasonable day", Assoc. Dinh Toan, Head of ...
Moringa is on the list of the most useful plants in the world. Moringa oleifera tree parts can be used as both a food and a medicine, even as a functional food. All parts of the plant contain many minerals as well as valuable trace elements. Moringa oleifera is a wild tree that grows in South Asia, ...
The baby's brain is nothing special, please refer to the article below to uncover the secrets in your baby's brain, it will give you more useful knowledge. The Cerebellum region The Cerebellum area (at the back of the neck) is responsible for balancing and coordinating the muscles, which is also an ...
Over time, external influences such as smog, pollution cause the skin to face many of the effects of aging, leading to skin pigmentation problems such as pigmentation, freckles, making the skin uneven. Melasma is not painful, does not affect health but greatly affects the brightness of the skin so ...
Massaging the following 5 body areas not only makes you comfortable but also helps prevent many diseases. Do it every day to keep your body comfortable and healthy! Chest - Massage helps to strengthen the immune system The researchers found that the thymus is one of the most important immune ...
Velashape method of liposuction in Hopital aesthetics is capable of removing excess fat in the thigh area, combined with liposuction behind the knee to help you own a good physique and for smooth, firm skin. . How effective is Velashape thigh liposuction? Velashape technology is an FDA certified ...
The husband's sperm quality plays a very important role in conception. Therefore, the following points should be paid attention to minimize the harmful agents and maintain the best sperm quality. 1. Age Normally, sperm vitality is inversely proportional to the increase in age. Accordingly, the age ...