Pregnancy shortness of breath is a number of problems that can occur with pregnant women due to changes in hormone levels along with anemia. Most women who have difficulty breathing during pregnancy are quite worried about the impact on the health of the fetus. If you are worried about breathing ...
Pregnant or diarrhea is okay, is not a topic many people are interested in. In pregnancy, there are some cases when pregnant women have diarrhea, so they are worried about the health of the fetus. Diarrhea is very dangerous, due to excessive dehydration will adversely affect the fetus. Therefore, ...
The 4 warning signs of ectopic pregnancy that sisters / women need to pay attention to below will help you determine your pregnancy status to have the most appropriate pregnancy care regime. An ectopic pregnancy is one of the most dangerous cases, when a broken fetus can affect the life (life) of ...
The earliest ways to identify the signs of pregnancy are the topic of interest. With an indication that you are pregnant, there is no need to wait until the pregnancy test device appears 2 lines to know you are pregnant. By summarizing the following 10 early signs of pregnancy, you will gain more ...
Naming girls in 2020 is a topic of great interest as young couples prepare to welcome a new family member. Choosing a good name and meaning is not a simple task (one way soon) besides a name that must meet the necessary feng shui elements, giving your baby a certain meaning. Depending on the ...
Should infants be conditioned? The question a lot of mothers want to know. The reason is that babies are very sensitive subjects, often hot or sweating in the cold and too cold will cause pneumonia and cough. So babies should be conditioned or not, how to use properly, take a little time to read ...
What should babies do when they have a fever? This is a topic that many mothers are interested in for the first time, what should babies do when they have a mild fever. All the information a mother needs to know when a baby has a fever is summarized in this article. Refer to for helpful measures ...
Can pregnant mothers use cosmetics? Always one of the most interesting topics today. During pregnancy, due to hormonal changes in the body, during this period, pregnant women often encounter skin conditions such as pigmentation, tanning ... So during pregnancy, pregnant women should use cosmetics. ...