Signs Identify Intestinal Obstruction Caused By Helminths
Bowel obstruction due to infection with parasitic helminths. Signs and how to handle
Worms are parasites that can live in the human body in addition to causing many conditions such as diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory, asthma. It can cause serious and dangerous complications such as worms getting into bile ducts, intestinal obstruction caused by worms ..
About intestinal obstruction caused by parasitic helminths
Bowel obstruction is a form of movement of the dwindling digestive tract, clogging up the food supply. In addition, there are many causes of intestinal obstruction, a common cause in patients that is intestinal obstruction caused by helminths
The cause of intestinal worms is that these parasites are not spread from people to people But especially they spread when people are exposed to food, water, unsanitary environments or are polluted.
The current life of diseases related to worms is encountered in young children because they are in the age of enjoying playing and easily in contact with dirty places, giving helminths a chance to parasitize people to live and develop.
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In addition to the climate in humid environments, the worms easily live and grow and make humans more susceptible.
Signs to identify intestinal obstruction caused by helminths
When the patient suffers from intestinal obstruction caused by the first symptom, the most common symptom is abdominal pain, muscle cramps, sometimes reduced or increased, abdominal discomfort.
Losing weight uncontrollably, when a person is infected with worms, your nutrients will be less received because the worms will take away part of
May vomit worms
Exhausted and prolonged fatigue
Gastrointestinal disorders or diarrhea, constipation .
How to handle intestinal obstruction caused by helminths
In mild cases, patients can use special worm treatment and add electrolyte water when needed. Then use drugs to increase the fluid surrounding and divide the worms inside the stomach and pass through the nasogastric tube to treat intestinal obstruction.
In addition, in severe cases, the patient will be ordered to have surgery and checked if any intestinal necrotic symptoms are seen.
Measures to prevent intestinal obstruction caused by helminths
Worms are now a fairly common worldwide disease that can cause a lot of complications for those infected due to poor living habits and hygiene.
. So we also need to improve the sense of hygiene for ourselves as well as for everyone to best prevent disease rather than cure it.
Preventive measures to limit infection include:
Do not eat raw vegetables often, do not eat meat, meat not yet cooked
Should eat cooked, drink boiled
There are good methods of treating faeces and waste in the most reasonable way
Wash your hands clean before eating and after using the toilet
Clean the reception and surrounding areas where they live well
Use periodic deworming according to the instructions of the specialist to achieve high efficiency in the prevention and treatment.
Periodic examination of helminths annually to detect timely treatment.
Ds Nguyen T. Thanh Xuan. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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