What Is A Parasite? How Harmful?

Parasites are organisms that live on other bodies, humans, or animals. They survive using a host source of nutrients. In humans, there are common parasites on the skin, hair, in the lymphatic system, in the digestive system such as lice, lice, scabies, pinworms, roundworms, pinworms, hookworms, dog roundworms, ringworms, pig tapeworm, liver tapeworm, cow tapeworm, dog tapeworm, tapeworm…
How does the parasite affect the human body?
Daily parasites still live on our bodies and cause a lot of harm. When the parasite invades, it will directly affect health, if not treated early, it will lead to many dangerous complications.
- Causes many diseases of the digestive tract, malabsorption body, appetite or appetite

- Causes bad breath problems: most parasite infections cause bad breath
- Causing poisoning: in the process of living on the host, parasites secrete many substances that can poison the body
- Causing intestinal obstruction due to parasites
- As a source of transporting pathogens into the body: during their penetration into the host's body, the parasite can carry other pathogens that cause disease in the body.
The first symptoms when the body infected with parasites
When infected with the parasite, the body of the infected person often has very similar symptoms with many different disease symptoms, making many people mistaken for the disease.
Therefore, leading to many misdiagnoses, it is possible to go to the doctor for a wrong examination, so sometimes the presence of dangerous germs in the body is not detected

Note: if you experience any of the following symptoms, you are likely to be infected with the parasite!
1 Bad breath phenomenon
2. Anal itching

What Is A Parasite? How Harmful?

. The body is tired, sleepy: the parasite drains out nutrients, causing the body to lack nutrition
4. Gastrointestinal disorders such as anorexia or sudden cravings, constipation, diarrhea.
5. The body is often tired, has poor memory, distracted, forgetful
6. Skin problems such as itchy sores and redness that heals
Pain in muscles and joints
The serious harm when infected with parasites in the body
In fact, parasite infection causes many dangerous and complex diseases, not as simple as many people think:
- In men: causes prostatitis, impotence, cystitis, adenoma, and kidney stones, gallstones
- In women: pain and inflammation of the ovaries, adrenal glands, ovarian cysts, cystitis and kidneys. Of course it also includes the skin's premature aging process.
- Great influence on the development of lungs, heart, liver ..

What Is A Parasite? How Harmful?

- The rate of reproductive development of parasites increases exponentially, some species spawn about 250 eggs, the maximum size up to nearly 20cm .. so the danger happens very quickly.
- Parasites are also one of the causes of cancer and infectious diseases.
Ds. Cao Chí Công.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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