Am I Infected With Larvae That Move Under The Skin?

Hello doctor, I read the newspaper that recently there are many people infected with helminths, nesting and moving under the skin, looking very scary. So what is it, many people have this disease, do they have many complications that are dangerous and how to prevent it?
In clinical practice, infection with helminth parasites showed that each type of cashew helminth has its way of infiltration, possibly following pathways (hair follicles, skin cracks, even when the skin is intact). ) and move into the body to go to organs and they cause different diseases and seem very specific. In particular, there are some exceptions that the worms may misplace or follow the path through the tunnel and they move under the skin to create zigzag lines like the snake snake, they do not have a specific shape. red, may cause itching

. Affected sites are usually not specific, they can be on the feet and lower legs or any part of the body when exposed to dirt.
What causes larvae to move under the skin?
There are many types of hookworms that can cause larvae to move under the skin and are typically seen: hookworms parasitic in dogs, domestic cats and wilds found in Central - South America and the Caribbean (Ankylostoma braziliense) , hookworms found in Australia (Ankylostoma caninum), hookworms found in Europe (Uncinaria stenocephala), hookworms (Bunostomum phlebotomum). Most cases of larvae moving under the skin will not be dangerous, except when accompanied by larvae moving under the skin to the typical organs such as heart, liver, lungs, brain and they will cause complications
threaten the organs and lives of this patient
Who is at risk of developing larvae that move under the skin?
All genders, ages and races can be affected if they come into contact with larvae. Especially common in the tropics and subtropics.

Am I Infected With Larvae That Move Under The Skin?

. People at risk include those who have an occupation related to skin, arms and legs contact, such as: People who often walk barefoot or sunbathe on beaches and children. playing in sand pits, gardening farmers, plumber, animal hunters, electricians, bricklayers, carpenters, pet owners.
How does larvae infection migrate under the skin?
The parasite's eggs are moved from the faeces of an animal when infected through the wet sandy soil (where the larvae reside to hatch the egg) and then to the human skin. After a period of days to months at the site of entry, the larvae move under the skin to form a tunnel about 3-5 mm wide.
In the human body, the larvae can penetrate deeper layers of the skin (dermis) that infect the bloodstream and into the lymphatic system
When the larvae stay in the gut, they mature and lay their eggs, which are then excreted to start a new cycle However, in the human body, the larvae cannot penetrate through the basement membrane to enter the dermis, so the disease is limited to the outer layer called the epidermis.
Clinical signs and symptoms of larvae that migrate under the skin?
At the site of the intrusion, usually there will be no special manifestations. There may be slight tingling sensations, irritating irritation within 30 minutes after the larvae enter. The larvae can lie dormant in one place for a whole week or a month, or can immediately start working slowly creating a 2-3mm wide cave, lasting 3-4cm daily from the site of entry, If there are multiple larvae participating at the same time, the lesions manifest zigzag winding on diverse skin.

Am I Infected With Larvae That Move Under The Skin?

The most common sites are the feet, at the toe joints, toes, knees and buttocks.
Prevention and treatment like?
This manifestation of larvae moving under the skin may go away on its own, because at the human body is the dead end of this larva, it will eventually die. The patient's natural time will vary significantly depending on the type of larvae that enter the body. In most cases, these lesions will automatically resolve within 4 to 8 weeks depending on the patient's location
Accordingly, if treatment interventions will shorten the course of the disease with anthelmintics (Anthelmintics) such as thiabendazole, mebendazole, albendazole and ivermectin. Topical application with thiabendazole to localized lesions. Symptoms of itching will decrease significantly within 24-48 hours after treatment of lesions which will be resolved within about 1 week.
When you have a secondary skin infection, your doctor may need treatment with antibiotics. The prevention of this disease is similar to the way to prevent other types of helminths, you should see a specialist for advice in the best way.

Am I Infected With Larvae That Move Under The Skin?

. Nguyen Thi Thuy.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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