Can Dog Flukes Spread? Part 1
"Does my child eat or drink boiled and cooked? Is there a risk of worm infection? Does dog flukes infect my child?" That is the question often asked by parents. Can dog flukes spread? In fact, children are often cared for, especially in the matter of eating, and it is very rare for parents to give their children undercooked food. Therefore, the main way of disease transmission of the baby is due to the environment.
The baby's feet are itchy and the blood is infected with dog flukes
Can dog flukes spread? Can children catch dog flu?
Parasites can cause illness in babies of any age: newborn, infant, preschooler or older child attending school. What are some types of helminths transmitted through direct contact with soil and dog flukes? with poor sanitation water, some other types of baby stings by insects
Can dog flukes spread? Causes of children infected with dog flukes and other parasites.
The most common cause of the disease is the baby swallowing worm eggs in the environment, because after playing, he does not wash his hands, use dirty hands to pick up food, or use his hands to wipe the face, mouth
. Depending on the type of parasite that enters the body, the symptoms vary, the symptoms are often Having itching, rashes, hives, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or bowel obstruction even if not treated in time, your baby will be delayed physical and intellectual development.
Can dog flukes be spread through skin?
Some types of helminth larvae can pass through the skin to enter the body, such as hookworm larvae or earthworms that can enter the body, making them infected if they have a habit of walking barefoot, or loading contaminated sand and soil. If infected with strongyloidiasis, babies may have abdominal pain, diarrhea, hives in the buttocks and waist. There have been no studies to prove that the tapeworm larvae go through the skin. But hookworm and eel worms that have passed through the skin do not eliminate the tapeworm larvae
Do some other worms and parasites spread like dog flukes?
Schistosomiasis is also one of the most common parasites in children in developing countries When children swim or play in ponds, rivers and streams, larvae in the water can penetrate through the skin to enter the body. When the first parasite enters the skin, it can cause itching and rashes. After a few days, small red spots will appear on the skin, which are the bleeding points. Schistosomiasis can survive in the body over many years and cause damage to organs such as the bladder, kidneys and liver.
. Schistosomiasis affects the normal development of children and can cause serious health consequences in the future.
Do lymphatic filariasis be transmitted like dog flukes?
Children can also be infected with lymphatic filariasis, which is transmitted by mosquitoes. Worms only cause damage to the lymphatic system in children who often have no symptoms, but some children may develop elephant's edema, scrotum, which causes loss of aesthetics and difficulty in integrating into life.
Children of school age, when playing together, can spread lice or scabies to each other Lice are blood-sucking parasites, living on the scalp. Scabies are caused by scabies, a parasite that lives under the skin. Babies with scabies have many itching symptoms, especially at night, skin rash, purple-red color. Can dog flukes spread ?, Is it spread like scabies?
How to prevent transmission of tapeworms and other parasites to children
The best way to prevent disease is to teach your child how to wash their hands with soap, especially after contact with sandy soil, after using the toilet, and before eating. Limiting barefoot, dirty wading, regular worms are also good preventive measures.
. Nguyen Pham Diem Kieu
Specialist treatment of helminths - rashes caused by helminths
Address: 402 An Duong Vuong, Ward 4, District 5, TP. HCM
TEL 028 38 30 23 45 - Call center:
Examination schedule - Directions map. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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