The Most Dangerous Catch
Mosquitoes are common names for species of the Mosic family (Culicidae), Diptera, Insecta. In the Culicidae family, there are three subfamilies: Culicinae, Anophelinae and Toxorhynchitinae.
Adult child
Mosquito body is divided into three parts head, chest, abdomen distinct, with two wings and three legs. Size about 5 - 20mm
Head: Wearing dual eyes, two 15-16 burning antennae, two long or short jaws depending on species and male and female breeds. The nozzle is a type of suction mouth consisting of two lower jaws, two upper jaws, the lower lip containing the salivary tube, the upper lip forming the food straw, the lower lip forming a soft bag containing the upper part when mosquitoes do not bite. smoking
Chest: Triple chest, front chest, middle chest, back chest Each chest burning carries a pair of legs. Burning the chest between the pair of wings and due to the development of the wing muscle, the middle chest also grows bigger than the anterior and posterior breasts and occupies the entire chest.
. Mosquito wings are membrane wings that are held up by ribs.
Abdomen: Consists of 10 but clearly shows only 8, the last one forms the genitals. The abdominal segments are connected by thin chitin membranes that fold before eating and may expand when the mosquitoes fill up.
Depending on the species, the eggs are laid separately or in clusters. Eggs have an average length of about 0
Mosquito larvae, also called larvae, larvae, have four stages with the same shape, only differing in size. The larvae body is also divided into three distinct head, chest and abdomen. Flat spherical head bears a simple structure of antenna, jaw dice, double eye.
. The belly has nine burns, the eighth bear has a different structure and shape for each species. Anophelan mosquito, double eye. The belly has nine burns, the eighth bear has a different structure and shape for each species. Anopheles mosquito has two breathing holes located close to the flank face of the eight abdominal abdomen; there are two breathing holes close to the flank face of the eight abdominal abdomen; mosquitoes belonging to the genus Culicinae and Toxorhynchitinae, the breathing apparatus is in the form of a pyramidal tube
Mosquito nymphs, or pupae, are shaped like a question mark consisting of an indistinguishable head-chest and eight bent abdominal segments. In the head - chest you can see the shape of the eyes and other parts arranged inside. On the flank of the nipple there are two horn-shaped breathing tubes for breathing. At the end of the 8th abdomen there is a beam shaped swimming pool.
Mosquitoes have a developmental cycle in the form of complete metamorphosis and consists of four stages: egg, larvae, adult.
Female mosquitoes lay eggs individually, forming floating clusters, forming floating rafts on the water surface or forming clusters attached to the underside exposed to aquatic plants. Mosquitoes lay about 100-400 eggs at a time After 2-3 days the eggs hatch into larvae stage 1 under appropriate conditions. A female mosquito can lay 800 - 2,500 eggs in a lifetime. The water environment where female mosquitoes look for spawning must be suitable for development, the existence of later larvae may vary for species.
The larvae have four consecutive stages through molting. The larval period averages about 8 - 12 days if the nutritional conditions and water temperature are suitable. The time will be longer if there is no food in the water or it is cold. The larvae are very active, moving constantly to the surface of the water to breathe or down to find food. The larvae feed on microorganisms that are smaller than their mouth size.
Some large mosquito larvae such as Toxorhynchites spp ,. Culex spp, can swallow the larvae of smaller mosquitoes living in their environment. In larvae selected since the laying of females, the water environment is very different for each species and some species are very narrow in their choice of water environment, while others are less demanding in this respect. Some requirements on water environment such as flowing water, stagnant water, salt water, brackish water, fresh water, shaded places, sunny places, etc.
In addition to the factors of temperature, pH of water, aquatic flora and fauna also increase the characteristics of the larvae.
Nymphs do not eat because the body is enclosed in a shell shaped like a question mark. Nymphs often lie dormant on the surface of the water to breathe, only when the surface of the water is stirred will they dive below but then rise again immediately. The pupal stage lasts about 1-5 days At the end of this period, adult mosquitoes emerge from a vertical crack in the lung of the chest. This is the most dangerous moment for mosquitoes and the death rate is often high.
Adult mosquito
Male mosquitoes were born about 24 hours before the female. Male mosquitoes suck sap or sweet liquid from flower to live. Male mosquito life is very short, about 2 weeks. Female mosquitoes also hatch sap or sweet liquid of flowers to live but after sex with male mosquitoes, female mosquitoes have to look for blood-sucking bait to develop eggs.
Female mosquitoes only mate with males once in their life. After sexual intercourse, the sperm of male mosquitoes is kept in the sperm bag and will be used gradually After smoking no blood, female ph. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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