Is Lady Hazardous Giardia Lamblia Disease
Giardia lamblia is also known as Giardia intestinalis distributed all over the world, especially in the hot and humid climate, the disease is more common in children than adults. Giardia lamblia is parasitic in the small intestine of mammals.
Be active
Being able to cause illness, die quickly when leaving the host body.
Pear-shaped, size 5 - 15 x 10 - 20µm, flat abdomen, hunchback, in front of the abdomen has an attachment called suction plate
Is contagious, persists long in the exterior thanks to the thick wall.
Giardia-lamblia flagella flagella
Very refractive round or oval shape, size 7-10 x11-14µm, follicles have 2-4 nuclei with a trunk axis
The active form is strongly adhered to the surface of the mucous membrane and the first part of the jejunum with abdominal suction.
. The active body divides vertically into two new individuals. When the active body moves down the large intestine, the flagellum shrinks into the axon, the cytoplasm thickens, the wall becomes thick, gradually turning into the follicular form. Along with the cystic form, the active form also follows stools out but dies quickly in the exterior. Infection is caused by swallowing follicles in food, drinking water or dirty hands that contain Giardia lamblia follicles. The cyst will turn into an active form in the duodenum
Giardia-lamblia flagellum development cycle
Giardia lamblia is present throughout the world especially in the tropics and developing countries. Prevalence rates range from 2% - 15% depending on the region. Wildlife as well as cattle can be a reservoir for pathogens.
Children infected more than adults.
. The prevalence rate in children under 10 years of age ranges from 10% to 20% and 60% of children are infected at least once during adolescence. In Vietnam, the prevalence of Giardia lamblia ranges from 3% to 5%, mainly in the form of cysts.
Diseases transmitted from the gastrointestinal tract by swallowing cysts in food, drinking water or intimate contact with an infected person.
Water is the most common source of infection, mainly due to unhygienic water sources, drinking unboiled water, especially countries treating river and lake water for domestic use, Giardia lamblia cysts are resistant to Conventional water treatment High infection rates have also been reported in sewer dredging workers due to increased exposure to pathogens.
In addition, sources of contamination from food are becoming increasingly common. Many epidemics have been recorded in restaurants, large offices, nursing homes. Under-cooked foods such as salads, frozen fish meat are often mentioned. In addition to the year-round wetness of the cooler, the refrigeration equipment is also a favorable environment for the existence of cysts.
Giardia-lamblia flagella flagella
Intimate contact such as day care and kindergarten can increase the exposure rate in both children and caregivers and also increase in gay men due to anal oral sex.
In addition, the disease usually outbreaks in poor hygiene or in travelers. Giardia lamblia is one of the causes of diarrhea in travelers due to lack of immunity to pathogens
4. Clinical manifestations of GIAMIAIA LAMBLIA ROI
The clinical manifestations of Giardia lamblia infection vary from asymptomatic to chronic diarrhea, malabsorption syndrome, malnutrition and severe illness that can be life-threatening for a patient. Some cases of Giardia lamblia parasitize in the duodenum mucosa with high density but it may not cause any symptoms.
The malabsorption process is caused by a large number of parasites adhering to the intestinal mucosa, covering most of the surface preventing the secretion of digestive enzymes and the action of the brush edge in which the deficiency of yeast disacharidase is the most important. Damage to intestinal mucosa is caused by the toxin of Giardia lamblia leading to cytokine reaction causing diarrhea. The disease is not invasive through intestinal mucosa. Persons with acquired immunity after infection with Giardia lamblia.
Incubation period of 1-2 weeks.
Clinical manifestations are quite distinctive with symptoms of watery, foul, frothy diarrhea. In addition, symptoms may be accompanied by vomiting, loss of appetite, irritability, mild fever, chills, epigastric pain, flatulence. Patients may experience weight loss, hypothyroidism and secondary pancreatic insufficiency. In people with common antibody deficiency. Giardia lamblia can penetrate the entire biliary tract and cause complications of cholecystitis with biliary colic and jaundice.
Many cases of Giardia lamblia infection are unrecognized because it resembles acute enteritis caused by viruses, bacteria, dysentery, food poisoning ..
In humans, 84% of those infected experimentally recovered on their own after 18 days, the remainder were chronically infected. Symptoms of these patients may be cyclic, short-term diarrhea may be accompanied by symptoms of flatulence and gas-smelling rotten eggs.
. Between these periods, the stool of b. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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