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Parasitical Worms.com Sporothrix schenckii is a binary fungus, which mainly penetrates through the skin causing lesions of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, sometimes developing into mycoma. The type of lung disease caused by inhalation of fungal spores has been reported more and more and the whole body spread has been reported.
1. Epidemiological characteristics
The disease is widespread in the world but concentrated in tropical and subtropical regions

. The majority of cases have been reported from mainland North America, and other endemic areas including South America, South Africa and Southeast Asia. Fungi. The fungus exists in soil, moss, plants, or in decaying wood in mines

Fungal spores enter the skin through scratches or stabbing Respiratory infections through inhalation of fungal spores are not uncommon, especially in endemic areas. In 1945, Smith L.

Diseases In India

.M. The case of mother-to-cheek injury and infection of the baby's cheeks due to contact has been recorded, however, direct-to-person transmission has not been recognized.
Several reports indicate that humans may be infected by contact with an infected animal as well as from laboratory accidental specimens.
The disease is classified as an occupational disease because the rate of illness is concentrated in gardeners, gardeners, rose growers, mining workers .
Men are more infected than women and mainly distributed from 20 to 40 years old.
Fungi grow well at 25 - 270C, humidity is over 90%. So in Vietnam, Da Lat is the endemic region of the fungus Sprorothrix schenckii.

Diseases In India

Skin diseases caused by s.schenckii
Skin - lymphocutaneous sprotrichosis
This is the most common form. Lesions initially appear within 1 to 12 weeks, on average about 3 weeks, after fungal invasion. Erythematous nodules, mobile, painless growth from scratched skin, usually in the limbs mainly in the right hand as hands, fingers
The papules become enlarged, can reach 3 cm in diameter, adhere to the surrounding tissue, become soft and purple, then break up to form uneven sores, drainage or pus, which will heal for a long time. A few days or weeks later, many new lesions will appear along the path of the artery and progress like the first nodule.
The skin between the nodules may become inflamed red. Regional lymph nodes are usually unscathed but may become inflamed as a result of bacterial superinfection and almost no complete manifestations. Without treatment, lesions can last for years.
Localized or diffuse skin
Another clinical form of S.

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.schenckii disease of the skin is a localized form in which a single lesion occurs where the fungus invades and does not develop much more lymphatic lesions.
The image of the lesions is diverse, may be papules or erythematous plaque progresses into ulcers or warts The disease lasts very long, even over 20 years, very rarely self-limited.
In disseminated skin, lesions develop in different parts of the body, often not localized on the same limb, and do not even appear where the fungus invades.
The disease is caused by S.schenckii in organs other than skin
S.schenckii mainly attacks the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Cases of disease in other organs often occur on the basis of immunodeficiency.
In the bones and joints
Most patients have a previous skin lesion, gradually the joint becomes stiff and painful. The most commonly invasive joints are the joints of the hands, knees, elbows, wrists, and ankles.

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The fungus does not cause disease in joints of the spine, pelvis, scapula. Fever may occur in some cases.
If left untreated, the disease spreads to nearby joints, and the skin at the affected area is also damaged and develops into a skin-detecting path. Sometimes the disease results in inflammation of the cord - synovial fluid, especially in the wrists, ankles and surgical intervention.
Lung form
This form is very rare, probably due to the ability to inhale fungal spores in the gas or secondary to the fungal pathogens spread from the blood to the lungs. Those at risk are those with diabetes, tuberculosis, long-term use of corticoides, alcoholism .. Clinical manifestations include fever, weight loss, cough with phlegm, and possibly fatal massively hemoptysis. X-ray images show nodular infiltrates in the upper lobe, with or without cavernous lesions.

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. Occasionally detected pleural effusion and umbilical lymph nodes.
Can spread
On the basis of immunodeficiency, the disease can spread everywhere causing manifestations of fungal infections of the brain, meningitis, damage to liver, spleen, bone marrow, colon ...
Differential diagnosis
Patients living in endemic areas, who appear to have lesions of the skin of the limb where they have been scratched for a few weeks, should consider the Sschenckii agent, especially when lesions are distributed along the path of lymphatic vessels. Other skin types that need to be distinguished by Leishmania, verrucous tuberculosis and syphilis III.
Microbiological diagnosis
Depending on the clinical form, the specimens can be pus, bronchial rinse, phlegm, cerebrospinal fluid. Do not incise or biopsy because these nodules will progress to a very difficult ulcer to heal.

Diseases In India

If the lesions are all broken, yes t.

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