Find Cysticercus Igg Tapeworm Disease By Elisa Test

Cysticercus ELISA Test for qualitative screening of serum IgG antibodies to Taenia solium with enzyme-linked immunosorbent immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the diagnosis of tapeworm larvae. This method only requires a small amount of serum from the blood, and then use the leading quality kit and chemicals from America to conduct the test for accurate results.
Materials provided with the ELISA kit
Micro-well tray: contains T.solium antigen - 96 wells in a micro-holder frame.
Conjugated Enzyme: One (1) bottle of 11ml Protein A conjugated to peroxidase

Positive: One (1) vial containing 1 ml of diluted positive rabbit serum.
Negative control: One (1) vial containing 1 ml of negative human serum is diluted.
TMB substrate solution: One (1) bottle containing 11 ml of tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) colorings

20X Concentrated Washing Solution: One (1) bottle containing 25 ml of buffer solution and concentrated surfactant
Dilution Buffer: Two (2) vials containing 30 ml of buffer protein solution.
Solution Stop reaction: One (1) bottle containing 11 ml of 1 M solution of phosphoric acid
Break off the number of wells needed (two for the control plus the number of samples) and place in the micro-well holder.

Find Cysticercus Igg Tapeworm Disease By Elisa Test

Negative control should be injected into well 1, positive control into well 2 and 100 µl diluted test sample (1:64) into the remaining wells.
Incubate at room temperature (15-25 ºC) for 10 minutes.
Shake well and wash 3 times with diluted wash buffer.
Add 2 drops of conjugated enzyme to each well.
Incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes

Shake well and wash 3 times with wash buffer Break the well on a paper towel to remove residual water.
Add 2 drops of colorant to each well.
Incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes.
Add 2 drops of Solution Stop reaction and mix by inverting the microtiter holder.

Find Cysticercus Igg Tapeworm Disease By Elisa Test

See with the naked eye: Look at each well on the background of a white paper towel and note that it is non-reactive, +, ++ or +++.
ELISA reader: use ELISA to measure antibody index in OD units
Positive: absorbance reading is equal to or greater than 0.3 OD units.
Negative: absorbance reading is less than 03 OD units.
A positive OD result indicates that the patient may be infected with T. Solium in the case of tapeworm larvae or a related organism (eg. Echinococcus).
A negative OD result is uninfected.
Interpretation of visual reading results
Compare results with control drugs.

Find Cysticercus Igg Tapeworm Disease By Elisa Test

. A sample should be interpreted as positive if the color level is clear and significant.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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