Parasitic Worms In Humans
Table 6: Patients come to the clinic by information.
Information sources
Amount of people
Ratio %
Others recommend
Comment: With 55
Table 7: Understanding parasite disease

Content awareness
Number of people correctly aware
Ratio %
Know the name of one of the parasites that causes disease in humans
Know the harmful effects parasite causes people
forty six
Know the cause of digital illness for humans
Comments: Patients know the names of some helminths with a high rate, besides that there are also 16.3% of infected people without naming any parasites. And know 1 to 2 harm caused by it as well as 1 to 2 causes it causes disease in humans. Most of them do not fully understand the information about parasites.
Table 8: Practice of preventing parasitic diseases
Practical content
The number of people practicing right
Ratio %
Know the right prevention
There are periodic deworming
Know how to wash vegetables, the right food
There are slippers when in contact with the ground
Comments: In the study, 29% of the people know how to practice parasite prevention, the awareness of periodic deworming is high at 93.

51 Regarding epidemiological factors
Our study showed that the number of parasitic patients coming to the Clinic for treatment is small, mainly the educated people, people living around the city, people who know how to exploit the Internet. That does not mean that the city population is more sick than the countryside. Patients in provinces are referred by health workers to or from other hospitals.
5.2 About clinical symptoms
Our study showed that most people infected with parasites seeking treatment PK have 67-100% pruritus symptoms and urticaria accounts for 31% to 100%. Particularly for tapeworm infection, the main manifestation of the patient is burning out of the anus, accounting for 100%.

5.3 About subclinical symptoms
In the study of 200 patients infected with helminths, helminths, the lowest proportion of patients with BCAT increase was 0% and the highest was found in liver fluke infection was 28.6%. In fact, patients come to treat most of the people who have been infected for a long time, have been treated in many places not cured, so the body has adapted.

5.4 About treatment
After treatment, the symptoms of the disease decreased significantly, with the diseases: roundworm, hookworm, eel worm, dendritic worm, tapeworm, intestinal amoeba after the treatment of clinical symptoms decreased from 80-100% , BCAT index after treatment returned to normal level is 100% The rate of egg removal, when stool examination in ascariasis, hookworm infection is 100%, the rate of pickling cocoon infection is 100%. 100%. Treating tapeworm larvae with negative rate of ELISA was 98%. Particularly for stray dog roundworm disease, after 73% of patients had no pruritus, 92% of patients had no rash, 88% of patients considered ELISA test returned negative.

5.5. Knowledge and practice of patients
The object of the study is mainly the knowledge class, with knowledge of the disease as well as good disease prevention practices.
6.1. Conclude:
- With a small number of people coming for medical examination and treatment, the epidemiological factors have not yet been concluded. In the future we will continue to study more.
- The main clinical symptom of a parasite infected person is pruritus accounting for 67-100% and urticaria accounts for 31% to 100%. Particularly, intestinal tapeworm infection is burning 100% of the flukes out of the anus, accompanied by symptoms of digestive disorders: anorexia, abdominal pain, loose stools or apples, jaundice .

- Near-ready screening: Stool examination in the corresponding diseases found eggs of roundworm, hookworm, cocoon E. Histolytica. Peripheral blood test had an increase in BCAT, the highest was BCAT in liver fluke by 28.6%. Ascaris larvae: BCAT increased by 20.4%. Swine rice fluke disease: BCAT increased by 12.3%.

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