Principles And Methods Of Drug Treatment Of Helminths

In order to effectively treat helminths, we need to ensure the most basic principles such as drug selection, focus on highly effective drugs, use periodic dewormers after treating helminths, treat good management of all types of helminths removed and good hygiene practices after deworming.
The choice of drugs must ensure that the drugs used work effectively for many types of helminths, because in our country the situation of infection with many types of helminths accounts for a high proportion. A person can also be infected with 2 to 3 types of helminths.
When treating doctors will use a drug-focused regimen with high concentrations to have a strong effect on the types of helminths. Want to perform well this problem, after taking medication to treat helminths, it is recommended to use bleach to expel the types of helminths out of the body, avoid poisoning of the helminths that are killed or shattered, and accordingly to avoid the possibility of the helminths returning

. After removing helminths from the body, the surrounding environment must be treated to avoid environmental pollution, because the surrounding area will usually contain a very large number of eggs. There should be a plan for personal hygiene, eating hygiene and sanitation in the living place to avoid conditions that facilitate the re-infection of helminths.
Methods of treatment of helminths:
When we treat helminths, it will depend on the actual situation and the conditions of each locality's permissible capacity to be able to use it according to mass treatment or selective methods

Bulk treatments:
Mass treatment will have a collective cycle that is the treatment for all residents living in an area This is one of the highly effective treatments for the prevention of helminths transmitted via soil. The mass treatment, although recognized as one of the most effective methods, is financially expensive for this method.

Principles And Methods Of Drug Treatment Of Helminths

. When applying this method, special attention should be paid to the rate of reinfection. Drugs used in the bulk method must be less toxic, safe, widely available to everyone, and do not cause them to mutate. Scientists and medicine recommend using deworming tablets about 3 times a year, 4 months apart. If people do this well, the rate of re-infection will be very low.
Selective treatments:
Selective treatment is intervention only to treat a group of people in a certain area
The aim of this treatment method is to develop measures for people with severe helminth infections, such as children who are most at risk of helminth infections because of their hygiene awareness still poor, not yet aware. So children are the main cause of infection with helminths. Therefore, selective treatment can be as effective as a mass treatment, but financial investment is less expensive, saves more time, manpower and more specifically. can save 50% of funding.

Principles And Methods Of Drug Treatment Of Helminths

Medicines used to treat helminths:
Important note: Each type of parasitic helminth will correspond to a different medicine, and the dose will depend on weight, age, severe infection. Therefore, when infected or suspected, please see an internal parasite specialist to get the right medication.
Ds. Nguyen Thi Thuy

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