Signs Of Dogiasis And How To Treat Dog Flukes Effectively

Parasitical I have allergic skin rashes for more than 1 month now, I go to the examination and treatment of dermatology to take medicine to reduce all the medicine of itching again. Recently I had the feeling that the person who sluggishly worked was distracting.
Through research, I found that there are many symptoms similar to schistosomiasis. Please tell me if my house does not raise dogs, do I have schistosomiasis? If you have a treatment for schistosomiasis? Where treatment, how long the disease? H

.Đ.T. Ha Tien and Kien Giang

Thank you for submitting a question about schistosomiasis and we answer you as follows:
Toxocara dog roundworm disease is also found in dog's intestines (Toxocara canis) about 80% and cats (T cati) about 20%. Due to the majority of dog-borne infections, it is often called dog roundworm disease.

Signs Of Dogiasis And How To Treat Dog Flukes Effectively

How is schistosomiasis transmitted to humans?
Toxocara is mainly transmitted by mouth, and few can spread through skin and mucous membranes. You can be infected by accidentally swallowing Toxocara dog eggs by mouth by eating raw vegetables, raw meat, or toys. Toxocara larvae that survive in soil can penetrate through scratched skin on contact with contaminated soil and sand. Children have a habit of putting their hands in their mouths which is the main cause of a high proportion of children infected with schistosomiasis.
The process of transmitting tapeworm infection to humans
My family does not keep dogs I am at risk of getting tapeworm?
You do not have a dog, do not have contact with a dog / cat, you can still get trichinosis
Because Toxocara dog larvae can survive in the natural environment, spreading into the environment, sticking to vegetable leaves, food, in the soil, sand You can become infected through eating raw, undercooked foods.
Is schistosomiasis dangerous?
When infected, the tapeworm larvae travel through the bloodstream throughout the body, reaching the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, spleen, and brain. Untreated tapeworm larvae can reach the brain, creating tumors in the brain, encephalitis with serious consequences.
Children from 1 to 4 years of age if infected with dog flukes are more dangerous than adults, with manifestation.

Signs Of Dogiasis And How To Treat Dog Flukes Effectively

. Onset of illness slowly, for a long time, may have a mild transient fever, anorexia, thinness, digestive disorders, vomiting, coughing up sputum with eosinophilic infiltrate, dyspnea. Larvae of moving organs can cause myocarditis, pyelonephritis, liver necrosis, convulsive encephalitis.
Some pictures of skin damage when infected by dog roundworm larvae (dog flukes)
In adults, Toxocara infection is often vague, presenting some vague symptoms such as fatigue, drowsiness, poor concentration, skin rashes, hives, difficulty breathing. pseudo-asthma form Long-term can pneumonia, pleural effusion.
Infection of dog flukes causes liver damage, tumors in the liver, causing hepatitis is a common sign, easily confused with liver tumors, liver cancer.
Infection of dog flukes causes skin rashes, hives, allergies, medication to reduce the disease, all the medicine itches again. The condition is similar to the manifestation of dermatosis, so most of the patients come to see the dermatologist and only treat for helminths when the dermatological treatment is ineffective.
Why is dog flu disease causing allergic skin rashes?
When the body is infected with a long-term untreated tapeworm larva, in the blood, the tapeworm secretes toxins, making the body recognize it as a strange allergen and the body produces antibodies against it. , causing skin rashes, allergies.

Signs Of Dogiasis And How To Treat Dog Flukes Effectively

How do you know if your body is infected with a tapeworm?
Trichinosis is usually silent, with few symptoms. A small number of patients experience fatigue, tingling sensation, tickling under the skin, discomfort, and poor concentration Therefore, to know if the body is infected with dog tapeworms or not, blood tests should be done every 6 months to 1 year.
Images of dog tapeworm larvae nest in the brain
Can dog flu cure cure, how long will it take to cure?
Currently, schistosomiasis can be cured after 1 to 3 treatments. Each willow is from 7 to 15 days. Time to cure from 1 to 3 months. The most important treatment is to assess the status and severity of each disease through clinical examination and testing.
The doctor will combine drugs to increase the synergistic effect that helps the drug quickly affect the larvae, destroying them in tissues and in the blood.
After treatment, the larvae will die and be phagocytic leukocytes, excreted out by the leukocyte cleansing mechanism, not excreted as cow tapeworm, roundworm ..

Signs Of Dogiasis And How To Treat Dog Flukes Effectively

Using an anti-parasite remedy for dog flukes improves atopic skin rashes
Some notes when treating Toxocara dog flukes
Note when treating schistosomiasis for patients, doctors need to carefully exploit the patient's history, understand the contraindications when using some specialized drugs. In patients with chronic hepatitis, pregnant and breast-feeding women require specific treatments.
The doctor should have a specific re-examination schedule for each patient, each patient should have a separate file to track, ... for patients to re-examination? When re-examination should re-test what? What is the purpose of that test? What is the current situation? How long treatment is needed, help patients assured.
Doctor kh

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