Some Impacts Of Candida Farming On Health
The lesions in the large folds are erythematous macules, oozing, itching, clear edges, irregular with many small blisters (vesicle) and pustules (pustule), many lesions
Shallow candidiasis causes dermatitis
Fungi often attack the epidermis of large skin folds such as groin, folds under the breast, between the buttocks or between fingers and toes. Frequent wetness is advantageous for fungal growth, so working in hot conditions, sweating a lot, obesity, and excessive exposure to water are risk factors for the disease.
Lesions in large folds are erythematous macules, oozing, pruritus, prominent, irregular with many small vesicles and pustules, many small satellite lesions, size changes export now out of sight.
In the interstitial fingers, the epidermis breaks down into a white, fragile layer, covering above a deep crack, causing pain, sometimes bleeding. The surrounding skin is inflamed red, sometimes horny, scaly
In children within 2 months the white layer, fragile, covers above a deep fissure, causing pain, sometimes bleeding. The surrounding skin is inflamed with redness, sometimes with keratosis, desquamation.
In children within 2 months of age, if not hygienic, not changing nappies when wet, will lead to dermatitis in the area around the anus, buttocks, and the navel with many scattered pustules
Some cases of infants being infected by the mother during delivery. Some cases of infection from the mother during birth, will cause many blisters, pustules, initially scattered on the face, neck, body and then spread throughout the body within 24 hours.
. The disease is usually benign, the lesions dry up and flake.
Superficial candidiasis causes inflammation of the nail around the nail
Candida spp is the common cause of onychomycosis, mainly C.albicans, followed by C spp is the most common cause of onychomycosis, mainly C.albicans, followed by C.parapsilosis, C
Unlike dermatitis caused by Dermatophytes, which often causes toenails, Candida spp. tends to appear in the nails more, accounting for about 50% of cases of nail fungus. The thumb, index finger and middle finger are more infected than the other fingers Inflammation around the nail is seen as a typical sign of disease.
The disease usually develops in the often humid conditions of the limbs, so the occupational factors are particularly relevant to the disease such as workers working in ice factories, sellers in ice factories, sellers of fish, shrimp, etc. dishwashers in restaurants, bars, water and fruit sellers ... Female account for the majority of infected cases.
The disease begins with the fungal invasion of the folds around the nail, especially the nail fold causing inflammation of the soft tissue around the nail, sometimes very painful gas. The fungus is widespread and tends to remain in the nail matrix (matrix), which causes a disturbance to the nail growth Nails gradually lose their shine, become concave, rugged, striped, brittle and discolored. Sometimes the nail is removed from the foundation.
Shallow candidiasis causes vaginitis
Candidiasis is an opportunistic infection that occurs in pregnant women, especially in the last 3 months of pregnancy, and patients with diabetes. In addition, long-term antibiotic treatment, oral contraceptives, iron metabolism disorders also facilitate the disease. C.albicans and C.glabrata are usually isolated in cases of infection with 70% - 80% and 5%, respectively.
A burning sensation and intense itching in the vagina area accompanied by white blood, sometimes with a burning sensation are signs that prompt patients to see a doctor.
These symptoms usually appear abruptly in pregnant women and often increase before menstruation in non-pregnant women. White blood is often friable, opaque, piggy like curd can be distinguished from physiological white blood or by other agents.
Bacterial contamination
Candida spp
Clear, chewy
Pale green
Light yellow, frothy
Fishy smell
Very foul
The patient is very painful when the speculum is placed. Vaginal and mucous membranes of the vagina are inflamed red, full of balls, thick white patches on the vaginal wall and cervical epithelium. If the infection is severe, the fungus can invade the area around the anus and groin but never reach the upper part of the genitals.
Candidiasis is associated with early bacterial infections but rarely in combination with Trichomonas vaginalis infection. For non-pregnant women, when the disease recurs many times, it is necessary to pay attention to blood and urine tests to detect diabetes In case of accompanied by oral manifestations and non-response to antifungal drugs, consider HIV / AIDS infection.
Shallow candidiasis causes inflammation of the foreskin
About 40% - 50% of healthy women carry vaginal candidiasis while the rate of penile inflammation in men is very low, indicating that Candida is not a sexually transmitted agent like diseases.
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The onset of disease in men is an important sign suggesting the reduced resistance to the patient, especially b. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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