What Is Hookworm Disease Common In? How To Prevent And Treat

Transmission route of hookworm disease
Reservoir: is the human body, especially people exposed to contaminated soil.
Incubation period: The time the larvae enter the body from the skin, mucous membranes to the heart, lungs and be swallowed back into the stomach, small intestine to become adult worm parasites about 42 - 45 days.
Transmission period: is the period of life of the adult female parasite when fertilized and laid eggs. A hookworm parasite can lay in a day about 10,000-25,000 eggs, hook life span of about 4-5 years greatly affects the human body.
Mode of transmission: through skin and mucous membranes

. Phase III hookworm larvae enter the human body through the skin, mucous membranes (interstitial toes, legs ..
) by intravenous route to the heart and lungs In the lungs, the worm larvae change the shell twice to stage IV and V larvae, stage V larvae enter the pharynx and are swallowed into the intestinal tract, grow in the duodenum and develop into adult hookworms. By eating and drinking: food, drinking water contaminated with worm larvae.

What Is Hookworm Disease Common In? How To Prevent And Treat

. Hookworm infections are not spread from person to person.
Hook worm life cycle
Subjects at risk of hookworm disease
People who are regularly exposed to unhygienic environments, have hookworm larvae, especially in rural areas, who work in horticulture, husbandry, using live fertilizers for plants, etc.
Eat foods with hookworm larvae, such as raw vegetables, unclean vegetables, uncooked vegetables, etc.
Most cases of intestinal worms are infected with large numbers of worms commonly found in adults and children.
The prevalence and infection of hookworm parasites in women are often higher than in men

Some favorable jobs for hookworms to develop such as planting rubber, coffee, pepper, working often barefoot, using unhygienic toilets under such conditions
Prevent hookworm disease
Propaganda and education: raising awareness of hygiene for each individual and community, protecting clean and beautiful green environment, free from fecal contamination.
Hygiene and prevention of epidemics: areas near homes, indoors and play areas of children who need to be hygienic To build hygienic toilets and living environment
Develop a habit like washing your hands with soap before eating, after going to the toilet, eating raw vegetables to wash thoroughly. Do not use fresh manure to fertilize fields, gardens, especially not barefoot.
Prophylaxis for high-risk subjects: Worming periodically, 2 times a year, every 4 to 6 months apart.

What Is Hookworm Disease Common In? How To Prevent And Treat

. Use labor protection while working when in contact with soil, especially contaminated soil.
Environmental treatment: launching cleanup in the community, building sewers, wastewater treatment reasonably.
Measures to treat hookworm disease
Human hookworm infection is a common condition that has tended to improve in recent years, but some subjective patients did not go to the test, leading to long-term illnesses causing many complications. To be completely cured if discovered, the purpose of treatment is to treat infections, prevent and treat complications affecting human health
Use drugs to kill hookworms such as: ALbendazole. Thiabendazole
Pyrantel pamoate (combantrin, embovin, helmex, ...)
Dosage and usage depend on the degree of infection, age and weight of the patient. Need to see a doctor for accuracy.

What Is Hookworm Disease Common In? How To Prevent And Treat

. And only take the medicine when prescribed by a parasite specialist.
Re-examination on time to monitor the progression of symptoms for effective treatment
Enhance nutritional supplements rich in protein, vitamins during disease treatment

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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