Lemons are grown very popular in our country. People grow lemons to get fruit and leaves as spices. Folk medicine often uses fruits, bark, leaves and lemon roots to make medicine. The article would introduce the taste of lemon leaves. Lemon leaves are not only used as a spice for appetite but also ...
The lacrimal system is the tear path that travels from the lacrimal region to the lower nostril. Tears enter the lacrimal passage through the lacrimal duct, tear in the lacrimal sac, lacrimal sac, nasal lacrimal duct and flow into the nasopharynx through the lower nostril. Pathological morbidity is ...
Young children often have two types of blood vessel tumors: benign tumors of the lining of the blood vessels lining the blood vessels, appear at birth, develop very quickly in infants. Hemangiomas also appear at birth but grow more slowly and persist to adulthood. Hemangiomas can appear in many ...
Acute cystitis is a common disease caused by bacteria going upstream from the urethra into the bladder causing disease. Reason When women urinate, the flow of urine along the urethra wall can cause bacteria to hide around the outside of the urethra, then back into the urethra. After urinating, the ...
Babies choking milk, the cause is often the mother or child care for children to suck, eat in the wrong position or because the pacifier bottle has too wide openings (in babies, they have to suck bottles) ... In a lying position, food easily gets into the airway, causing cyanosis and apnea. If not ...
How to care when a child is malnourished? The familiar question of many mothers with young children is having a developmental delay in terms of height and weight. What is the normal weight and height of a child? The weight of full-term, healthy babies at birth is about 3kg. If the baby weighs less ...
Every year, the children's hospital receives many cases of choking milk, choking powder, but unfortunately, many deaths are only because adults do not know how to give first aid. According to the doctor, the operation is not difficult, mastering some of these basic movements is applicable ...
Many men with gynecomastia suffer from physiological and psychological problems and can be treated with medication or plastic surgery. What is the disease of big breasts in men? Gynecomastia, also known as Gynecomastia, refers to an increase in the number of mammary gland tissue in boys or men due ...
Neck skin is not only sensitive but also prone to aging so you should spend more time caring for this area daily. The neck skin is very thin and sensitive because there is an area containing some sebaceous glands of the body. When we speak or move our head, basically the muscles in our neck work. ...
Although lifestyle adjustments and environmental factors can help anyone trying to conceive, there are conditions that can hinder your pregnancy. There are many factors that can cause infertility in women, such as hormones, illness, postoperative complications or even due to the reproductive ...
Blood cockle has a rich source of protein, contains many minerals with high nutritional value such as magnesium and zinc, these two substances help strengthen the body's endurance. Please introduce some dishes from cockle that have a positive effect, help gentlemen and ladies to be more ...
The skin is composed of 3 layers from the outside to the inside including the epidermis, dermis and dermis. The skin is very sensitive, especially the direct impact of the summer sun. In case of a slight sunburn, there will be a reddish appearance on the skin surface (due to the expansion of blood ...
My nephew is 7 years old, diagnosed with myelosuppression for more than 1 year, must have regular blood transfusion. Please ask why? Are there any treatments available to stop blood transfusions? (Vo Van Hoang (Dong Nai) A bone marrow anemia is an inability to produce blood cells, in addition to ...
Algae (premature ejaculation) is a common disease and is on the rise in men. The preventive measures of traditional medicine are plentiful, including the use of unique herbal remedies. Some examples can be cited as follows: Method 1: Dried carrots 120g, breaking only 60g, 60g rabbits, painting 60g. ...
Knee pain is a common disease caused by many different causes, can be encountered in both young and old people. It is necessary to have the necessary awareness about the disease to have the best treatment direction, to avoid the complications that occur, especially for those who suffer for a long ...