
  • Stomatitis is a term for pain inflammation that "interrupts" the ability to eat, talk, and cause discomfort in people. Stomatitis can be found in the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips and roof of the mouth. Some common types of stomatitis: - Stomatitis: This type of inflammation has pale or yellowish ...
  • The rag tree belongs to the Na family, also known as the orphanage. The tree grows wild on forested hills or is planted as ornamental climbing rigs in villas. Rag flower always appears in the offering plate on the ancestor altar on the full moon day, the first day of the festival. Many parts of rag ...
  • In recent years, due to various reasons, genital warts have been increasing. The disease usually occurs in the glans, head of urethra, perianal and vulva, caused by a virus. The lesion is initially a small wart with pale pink color, then enlarged and elongated, sometimes into small or large, ...
  • Atopic Dermatitis is one of the most common skin conditions in children. The disease progresses steadily, recurring many times from birth to 5-6 years old. Some may last until puberty, while fewer can reoccur at age 40-50. The etiology of the disease is very complex, involving many factors. ...
  • Headache is described in various forms, sometimes very oddly, usually patients complain of headaches, strange feelings that exist in the head, strange frustrations in the head, no fixed position, no correlation equivalent to blood vessels or nerves. A 53-year-old female patient came to the ...
  • The mantis's nest on mulberry tree - Traditional medicine called the mourning mole, is the nest that covers the eggs of mantis living on mulberry tree. According to traditional medicine, the funeral mourning is sweet, salty, calculated on average, converted into two canals and kidneys. Effect: ...
  • My child is 15 months old, more than 1 week now he has a lot of rash on the forehead, back, shoulders causing itching, redness and discomfort. I have given him lots of cool food but still haven't finished the chrome. Please tell your doctor rash due to any reason? How to avoid and whether to bathe ...
  • Serum otitis media is an infection of the middle ear that does not drain, very common in children, especially children from 1-3 years old. The manifestations of the epidemic otitis media are very poor, the child has no fever, no ear pain, there is very little tinnitus, no discharge in the ear, the ...
  • Otitis media, if not treated completely, may require surgery. So, you should carefully study this disease offline. Why are ears pus? One of the major symptoms of otitis media (VTG) is purulent discharge. Usually VTG occurs after you have a cold or are caused by sinusitis, tonsillitis or ...
  • I was 30 years old, two years ago when I was 16 weeks pregnant, I went to see the doctor and ultrasound found the placenta edema and had to suspend pregnancy. Now I want to get pregnant but I am afraid of being pregnant again. Please tell me the pregnancy this time I have not? (Pham Thi Luu - Son ...
  • Newborn babies face many risks, especially during birth. One of the risks is meconium aspiration (MAS). Causes children to breathe meconium Meconium is the waste from the fetal digestive tract. It is dark green, thick, odorless and sterile. Meconium contains water (70-80%), squamous cells, ...
  • Frog is also known as chicken copper (fillet mill), its meat is white, lean, delicious as chicken. Frog meat is high in protein, fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamin A, B group vitamins, D, E, biotin, carotene ... Frogs are also used ...
  • I am very sad because I am irregular menstruation, the gap each time ‘be’ should be 2 months and 3-4 months. I feel very scared. Are you sick? (A reader in Lai Chau) Reply For girls, puberty can start from 10 to 15 years old and the sure sign of puberty is menstruation. The period of puberty ...
  • Dark chocolate and milk cocoa are two drinks that are so familiar to you. But not only for daily enjoyment, you can also take advantage of it to make your feet more beautiful. After a long and tiring day, your feet roam with you on the roads that need special care. You do not need to expensive spa ...
  • Through ultrasound, at the 16th week of pregnancy, most parents can ask the doctor about their baby's gender. However, many parents are too eager to know the gender of their baby. It is also convenient for you to name, shop for early pregnancy items ... Therefore, you can rely on the following ...