
  • Many people who hear the name of the medicine of the Decode find it strange. That's right, because cymbal is a drug dried from the fallopian tubes of a female frog, a mountain frog in China. So this drug originated from China, in our country must be imported. Cable code also known as code cable ...
  • Why should not eat sea fish during pregnancy? What do marine fish contain that can adversely affect the fetus and how to eat properly? Fish is great for everyone, especially those with heart disease, due to its high intake of omega-3s. However, pregnant women should not eat a lot of marine fish ...
  • Women are only used to monthly bleeding, called menstruation, which is essentially endometrial flaking due to the effects of hormones. Therefore, when you see the blood out period is often very afraid. However, most of these abnormal phenomena are due to benign pathologies. When is bleeding ...
  • Belly dancing is a popular form of dance in many countries. Recently, the belly dance movement has become more active in our country with the main audience being young women. In each country is different, costumes suitable for belly dance are also different. There are some places when dancing ...
  • Antibiotics have no effect against viruses but are often indicated for sinusitis. However, overuse of the medication may further nurture resistant bacteria. Here are five things he believes patients with acute sinusitis should know. 1. Sinusitis is a short-term infection that causes the sinuses and ...
  • Every day, more than 36 million people use painkillers, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. According to a study by the Association of Gastrointestinal Diseases (USA), people who use painkillers not only misuse them but also notice their effects. In 2005, the above carelessness ...
  • Insomnia, sleeplessness is the disease of the modern world when people are constantly faced with stress. Many people have to resort to narcotic medications or psychotropic psychotropic drugs. This solution, although effective, but easy to cause drug dependence, even addictive and hallucinating. ...
  • The sudden hot weather caused a sudden increase in the number of patients hospitalized for skin diseases. At the beginning of the summer, the Center for Allergy - Clinical Immunology (Bach Mai Hospital) had to receive many patients every day with symptoms of rash. And the reason is ... Hospitalized ...
  • Some aquatic animals such as turtles, crabs, and cuttlefish have a special structural component called a shell that protects or strengthens the body. These parts have long been a popular medicine in traditional medicine and folklore. Mai tortoise: The name of the drug is armor, water fishing. ...
  • Son luong is the medicinal name of meat and chicken leg of the pheasant family (Phasianidae) with slim body. People have analyzed the nutritional content in chicken meat found to contain 24.4% protid, 4.8% lipid, 14mg% Ca, 263mg% P, 0.4mg% Fe and some vitamins. The meat has a sweet taste, warmth, ...
  • I am 31 years old, doing office work. Recently, I feel my neck is stiff, sore, hard to move, especially when I wake up in the morning. Please ask, do I have to degenerate cervical vertebrae? (Tran Thi Hong Lam - Hanoi) Reply Spinal degeneration is most common in people who are past middle age ...
  • In addition to promoting blood circulation, stimulating and rejuvenating the nervous system, the following actions also relax the muscles, especially the smooth muscles that make up the organs. Due to this relaxation of nerves and muscles, it will re-regulate sympathetic nerves, regulate emotions, ...
  • There may be times when you do not like makeup, everything is perfect but unfortunately there is a small mistake that makes your face not as desired. Instead of having to remove makeup and make-up from the beginning, try some of the following, maybe they are useful for you. Eye shadow or dark ...
  • The scratching on the bamboo shoots makes you feel uncomfortable and a little painful when you remove the skin with your hands. Introduce you how to limit scratches in the hand. How to remove flaking (scraped) - You get a pliers used in cutting leather, or nail clippers. Then you cut the foot of ...
  • Among vegetables, some should eat the whole skin to receive all the nutrients, but there are also some fruits that should not be eaten whole, if eating the whole skin, it can cause disease. Sweet potato Sweet potato skin is very alkaline, eating sweet potatoes is good for those who have ...