Medical Knowledge

  • Colonoscopy is a necessary procedure to remove polyps to prevent complications as well as the risk of colon cancer. However, not everyone knows what should or should not be done after a colon polypectomy. The following article will provide the necessary information around this topic. When should a ...
  • The hepatitis B virus (Hepatitis B virus) causes dangerous hepatitis B infection, it is estimated that more than 250 million people carry the hepatitis B virus in the world and more than 600,000 people die each year from hepatitis B-related liver disease. . Transmission route of hepatitis B ...
  • Helicobacter pylori (Hp) is a bacteria that mainly lives in the stomach. The proportion of people infected with Hp worldwide is about 50%, in some developing countries, this rate is higher, while in Vietnam this rate is 70-80%. Most people infected with Hp have no symptoms and never cause stomach ...
  • Preoperative endoscopy is the most advanced and advanced technique for endoscopy. This method overcomes the disadvantages that conventional endoscopy does not perform. What is endoscopy? Prostate endoscopy is a method of examining and diagnosing diseases related to the esophagus - stomach - ...
  • Currently, endoscopy is commonly applied by doctors in examination and diagnosis. One of the new methods for endoscopy is nasal endoscopy. Let's find out more about this new method through the article below. Nasal endoscopy is a method like? Nasal endoscopy is a new and increasingly popular method ...
  • Currently, with the development of modern techniques, endoscopy has become a common method in medical examination and treatment, helping to produce the most accurate results. Let's find out about this method to get the most necessary information offline. What is colonoscopy? Endoscopy is a method ...
  • During pregnancy, pregnant mothers may hear rumors about eating and drinking during 9 months of pregnancy. Pregnant must eat a lot because you are eating for two? Fact: A pregnant woman is often reminded to eat a lot because you don't have to eat for yourself but eat more for your unborn ...
  • General information about vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 is important for brain and nervous system health, so it plays an important role in your baby's development. Specifically, vitamin B6 is needed for the production of serotonin and norepinephrine, important transmitters in the nervous system. Vitamin B6 ...
  • Occlusive obstruction (lacrimal occlusion) is a group of conditions in which the normal circulation of tears (starting from the tear through the lacrimal sac, lacrimal sac, nasal tear) is narrowed, sometimes completely blocked. Who is prone to traffic jams? Religious rules can be encountered at any ...
  • What should abstain after caesarean section to heal wounds quickly and leave no sequelae is a question that many women are concerned because caesarean section creates large invasive on the mother's body, if the infection will be very dangerous. How long does it take to abstain from women having a ...
  • Like other diseases, the detection of mental illness plays a decisive role in the outcome of treatment. If not detected in time, the disease is not only difficult to treat but sometimes impossible to cure. Early detection and prevention are essential bastions to reduce the proliferation of mental ...
  • Sessile and peduncle polyps are thought to be two common and fairly benign polyps. However, a question arises that if it is not detected in time, can the peduncle colon polyps develop into cancer? The following article will help people answer that problem. What is colon polyps? Colon polyps are a ...
  • H. pylori is a spiral bacteria found in the stomach that damages stomach and duodenal tissue, causing inflammation and peptic ulcers. Although HP infection in children is rare, it is difficult to detect and requires early treatment to avoid unpredictable complications. Causes of Hp infection in ...
  • Pseudomembranous colitis causes painful sensations for patients, if not treated promptly will cause many dangerous complications such as rupture of the colon, peritonitis ... What is pseudomembranous colitis? Pseudomembranous colitis, also known as Clostridioides difficile colitis, is a disease ...
  • Rectal prolapse is a common condition involving rectal anus. The disease not only affects health but also causes many troubles for daily life of patients. Let's find out related information to know how to prevent and treat rectal prolapse effectively. What is rectal prolapse? Rectal prolapse is a ...