Blood and urine tests will provide your doctor with important information about your medical condition as well as uncovering dangerous issues during your pregnancy or delivery. Blood tests Why is a blood test needed during pregnancy? Blood testing is an important step in the process of nursing a ...
The health status of every pregnant woman is different. It also depends on whether the mother usually delivered by caesarean section. Here are common conditions and guide mothers to recover quickly after childbirth. Helping mother relieve pain after childbirth Reduce postpartum pain Birth often ...
Gestational diabetes is first diagnosed in pregnancy, causing high blood sugar that can affect the pregnancy and the health of the baby. What is diabetes mellitus? Diabetes (or diabetes) is a condition where the body cannot make enough insulin or cannot use normal insulin. Insulin is a hormone that ...
Up to 90% of pregnant women experience vomiting or nausea during the first months of pregnancy. After that, about 50% of women will gradually reduce these symptoms by 14 weeks of pregnancy, but still about 10% of women will continue to vomit or nausea after 20 weeks of pregnancy, even some very few ...
Hemorrhoids are a fairly common disease - accounting for 50% - in pregnant women, the risk of hemorrhoids is directly proportional to the growth and development of the fetus. Classification of hemorrhoids during pregnancy Hemorrhoids occur when the veins become swollen in the anus and rectum - ...
Postpartum women experience many health problems. If not recognized and overcome promptly, seemingly small problems can also have unpredictable consequences. Haemorrhage Signs of haemorrhage Hemorrhage is a massive postpartum bleeding with signs: Uncontrolled bleeding Blood pressure drops Increased ...
Just follow a few notes, you can safely go swimming when pregnant because swimming is an ideal sport to help pregnant mothers improve health during pregnancy. Benefits of swimming during pregnancy Swimming is a gentle sport, just 30 minutes a day before giving birth will bring many benefits for ...
Newly born mothers are often so busy taking care of their babies that they forget to take care of themselves. Neglecting your health after giving birth can lead to a number of health complications, one of which is postpartum anemia. According to WHO recommends: Anemia is an important public health ...
Eat a balanced diet to control your weight throughout pregnancy. When should I start monitoring my baby's weight? The fetus's weight should be monitored as soon as possible because fetal weight is a major determinant of the time and mode of delivery for the baby as well as avoiding any ...
Fetal neural tube defects are defects that occur when the fetus's brain and spine develop abnormally. The incidence of neural tube defects is high in low-income countries, including Vietnam. What are neural tube defects in the fetus? The fetal neural tube is the core foundation for developing a ...
Liver diseases that occur before pregnancy or during pregnancy can adversely affect the health of a pregnant woman. The impact of different liver diseases will also have different effects on the mother and fetus. Changes in the mother's liver during pregnancy A healthy woman during pregnancy has ...
The female body experiences many changes during pregnancy and after childbirth. In particular, life and mental stress are easy to make women fall into depression after childbirth. So how to identify and prevent before it's too late? Let's find out! What is postpartum depression? Postpartum ...
Most current medications are recommended for use with caution or contraindications for pregnant women. Therefore, pregnant women need to know which antibiotics should not be used to avoid during pregnancy. Antibiotic classification Antibiotics are specific drugs that specifically kill bacteria or ...
Colitis is not a strange disease for many Vietnamese people and it is a disease with a high rate of transformation into cancer. Therefore, understanding the information related to this disease is extremely necessary for patients to be more proactive in prevention as well as early detection for ...
Colonic hypertrophy is a common condition in children due to birth, but can also be seen in adults due to intoxication. Complications of a bulge of the colon are quite dangerous, so it should be discovered and timely interventions to avoid the risk of bad happening. What is colon ...