Medical Knowledge

  • In order to improve mothers' knowledge about pregnancy and childbirth issues, at 9am on December 17, 2011, Hopital General Hospital will hold a free consultation workshop “Nutrition for pregnancy-care mom and baby ". This is the tenth free consultation of obstetricians and midwives of Hopital ...
  • Some studies show that up to 30% of pregnant women show signs of bleeding, with different levels, in different stages of pregnancy. Bleeding is more common in pregnant women with twins or multiple pregnancies. In some cases, pregnant women experience bleeding in the first 2 weeks of pregnancy, ...
  • Question: I am 30 years old, I recently had a toothache. I heard, gargling with salt water every day is good for teeth and sore throat very well, right? (Thu Hoai - Lai Chau) Reply Gargle with warm salt water daily to help eliminate bacteria, clean the oral cavity, tonsils, throat. Warm salt water ...
  • Q: I have gallstones that have been ordered by a doctor to remove the gallbladder, but I have heard that gallstones can return. Ask your doctor if there is a way to prevent recurrent gallstones? (Pham Van Cong - Thai Binh) Reply The gallbladder is a pear-shaped pouch located just below the right ...
  • Insomnia is a very common situation, not only occurs in the elderly but also in young people. So is there a way to get a good night's sleep? Sleeping time varies from person to person. Healthy adults need 7.5 to 9 hours to sleep a night; Children and teens need more, from 12-18 years old can sleep ...
  • Noise that can cause physical disorders includes: hearing loss, high blood pressure, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal diseases, impotence, sleep disorders, decreased, libido, changes in immune function translation, fetal deformity ... Noise causes hearing loss The mechanism of hearing loss or loss ...
  • Q: I'm 26 years old. In the last month, I have often experienced shortness of breath, feeling the heart beat fast and like being very uncomfortable, sometimes sharp in the heart. Ask the doctor, am I stressed or is the pathological manifestation of the heart? Reply The symptoms you mention may be ...
  • Perhaps, according to the old habit, many of us often disregard breakfast. But actually people are missing out on the most rewarding meal of the day. Breakfast is one of three daily meals of Vietnamese people and people in general. Yet many times, due to busy work or children we often skip ...
  • Hypoglycemia is a condition in which blood sugar levels are lower than normal. The disease is often associated with diabetes treatment, in addition to the use of various drugs that cause low blood sugar. Symptoms of hypoglycemia If the blood sugar becomes too low, the following symptoms ...
  • Although only accounting for more than 10% of the world's total population, the elderly use the same amount of medicine as young people. The reason is that the elderly often suffer from many diseases simultaneously and have many health problems due to the aging process, so many drugs have to be ...
  • Over time, the human body will age, manifested by changes in the morphology and function of the body's parts and systems. The aging process does not take place suddenly, but slowly. As the nervous system begins to age, its early manifestations are a decline in nerve function. The decline of nerve ...
  • The learning pressure on children is increasing, the school's facilities are not up to the standards and quality, inadequate (especially in mountainous, remote and isolated areas), learning time, unreasonable rest, ... greatly affect the health, reduce the child's learning ability and cause an ...
  • High cholesterol in the blood deposited in the walls of atherosclerosis is a cause of cardiovascular disease. A diet low in saturated fat, low in fat and cholesterol will help maintain a healthy weight, normal blood pressure and even reduce the risk of other chronic diseases including: type 2 ...
  • Question: For many years, when I changed the weather, I often had itchy nose, sneezing, followed by stuffy nose, runny nose very uncomfortable. Previously, I went to a private clinic, was diagnosed with allergic rhinitis and gave a prescription for dayamin, vitamin C ... but the effectiveness of ...
  • Enoki mushroom (NKC) is also called tinsel. In Vietnam, it's used to call NKC. Mushrooms come in two colors: yellowish brown or light yellow called NKC (needles are gold). The mushroom is white in color called mercury mushroom (silver is called silver). In Hanoi, they sell Korean NKC in plastic ...