Medical Knowledge

  • About 1 in 5 women have signs of polycystic ovary - a factor that causes late-delivery of the female. People who have a short menstrual cycle of 25 days, longer than 35 days or not always have the risk of this disease. Polycystic ovaries have a thick crust and no ovule scars. Think of the follicles ...
  • The tongue helps us recognize the taste of food, chew and swallow. Therefore, attention should be paid to tongue care and hygiene habits to avoid related diseases such as glossitis, tongue cancer .... Pathological glossitis Bacterial, fungal, hypersensitive glossitis may be a primary disease of the ...
  • Pomegranate tree is also known as pomegranate tower, pomegranate jelly, an pomegranate jelly, knit weakness, needle eagle, needle, pomegranate pomegranate ... is a small tree, rustic, about 2-3m high, gray body with thin bark, thin branches, opposite leaves, oblong, elongate. Pomegranate flowers ...
  • Rheumatic fever, or Rheumatic Fever, is considered to be one of the diseases of the connective tissue immune system or colloid system. So far, the disease is still quite common in developing countries (including Vietnam) and is a leading cause of heart valve disease in young people. The disease is ...
  • Currently, many pregnant mothers know that they still want to have a baby when they know they have HIV. Should HIV-infected women breastfeed or breastfeed instead? Should HIV-infected mothers breastfeed their babies? Do not breastfeed when your mother is HIV positive Although the concentration is ...
  • Gonorrhea caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhea, pneumococcus in cells. Gonorrhea bacteria can multiply quickly in the hot and humid environment of the reproductive tract such as the cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes and the urinary tract (urethra). The bacteria can also grow in the mouth, throat, ...
  • The brain is a soft, porous mass of tissue. The brain is protected by the skulls and 3 thin layers called meninges. Cerebrospinal fluid circulates in the brain, cushioning the brain. This fluid flows through the spaces between the meninges and through spaces in the brain called the ...
  • Ganoderma is known as a rare herb, only beneficial without any harm. However, many studies show that Ganoderma, if not used properly, will cause immeasurable harm. Anti-cancer: Ganoderma contains anti-cancer active substances such as triterpenes, a substance that prevents the spread of malignant ...
  • Question: I want to know if I am married and have sex, can I get cervical cancer vaccine? I am 23 years old. I used to have vaginal itch in the past, but on the outside, after that I used the cleaning solution to see the itching, but the slime was milky, thicker than before, so did I get sick or ...
  • Hen has another name: Humiliation. In 100g mussel meat has 12.77g protid, 13.9 mg of iron, 0.25 mg of copper; High in vitamin B12, high in omega-3 acids, low in cholesterol, it is suitable for anemia and people with cardiovascular disease, especially it also works to treat sperm. According to ...
  • Clam also known as clam or clam, scientific name Meretrix meretrix L belongs to clam family (Veneridae), meat and shells are used as medicine in Eastern medicine to treat many conditions. Traditional Chinese clam meat is known as far from humiliation, welding, salty sweetness, non-toxic, has the ...
  • Alveolar dilatation (or emphysema) is a permanent and irreversible dilatation lesion in the walls of the lower airways of the bronchi. Diseases that cause pulmonary relaxation and an imbalance between elastase resolution and resistance to elastaza are the causes of alveolar dilatation. What ...
  • Question: I have 2 children, one to 3, one to 7. Recently, I saw some neighbors with virus fever, I was very worried. So when children have viral fever, how to handle? (Mai Thanh Hiep - Lang Son) Reply: Most viral illnesses do not yet have a specific drug, mainly symptomatic treatment, for viral ...
  • When eating seafood, we often throw away parts that seem to have no effect like cuttlefish, crabs, shells ... But those residues are the medicine that is popular in ancient medicine. Transmission and folk experience. Mai cuttlefish Cuttlefish is taken from cuttlefish. Use only thick, white, chalky ...
  • Once upon a time there was the phrase "The first sore eyes, the second sore teeth". Although toothache is not dangerous, it is very painful and extremely painful. There are many causes of toothache such as tooth decay, gingivitis, unscientific eating, etc. Adults and children all suffer from it, ...