Harm Of Noise

Noise that can cause physical disorders includes: hearing loss, high blood pressure, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal diseases, impotence, sleep disorders, decreased, libido, changes in immune function translation, fetal deformity ...
Noise causes hearing loss
The mechanism of hearing loss or loss is due to damage to the villi in the helix. We live in a noisy world

. A succession of loud noises at 85 decibels can cause hearing loss.
This could be the sound of a traffic chaos. A rock song (will have a volume of 110 - 120 decibels), too
Volume like this contributes to hearing loss in young people.

Harm Of Noise

You should not expose your ears to 85 decibels for more than 1 hour a day.
Heart-related diseaes
In 1999, the World Health Organization (WHO) released data showing the relationship between high blood pressure and long-term exposure to noise of about 67 - 70dB.
Recent studies also show that if the volume is above 50dB at night, there is a risk of myocardial infarction due to excessive and continuous production of cortisol.
The sounds from the car engine, car horns constrict blood vessels causing blood pressure increases due to noise that increases adrenaline and vasoconstriction (vasoconstriction).
Effects on the fetus
The US Environmental Protection Agency in 1978 released a pamphlet about the relationship between noise and low birth weight babies, fetal deformities when pregnant women have long exposure to noise, such as pregnant women. live near the airport, noisy urban.
The fetal deformities caused by noise include cleft palate, cleft palate, spinal cord injury
According to Lester W.

Harm Of Noise

Sontag of Fels Research Institute, the environment plays a significant role in the formation of the physical, personality and function of animals, including humans from the moment of conception.
The embryo is capable of receiving sounds and responding to sounds by movements and changes in heart rate. Noise exposure is thought to harm the fetus 16 to 60 days after conception when a number of major internal organs and central nervous system have been formed.
When pregnant women hear the noise, the blood vessels will shrink so there will be insufficient oxygen and oxygen to deliver to the fetus for low birth weight, the noise also changes some hormones in pregnant women that affect the fetal growth.
The noise makes the victim insomnia, mentally depressed and often under stress.
Affect learning ability
When children are exposed to frequent noise, it is difficult to develop listening and speaking skills. Children will continue to develop speaking skills until they enter their teens.
Studies show that when children study in an environment with too much noise, they learn lessons more slowly than children who study in quiet environments.

Harm Of Noise

A study conducted in 1993 by Cornell University found that children learning in noisy environments will be poor in words as well as limited cognitive skills, writing skills are also limited.
Children who study in classrooms with loud speakers, will also affect the reception. The effects of the noise are known, the penalty frame is also there, tragedy also happened.
Addressing noise pollution depends on many factors, which require the awareness of the people and the determination of the authorities..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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