Added Sugar
What is sugar?
Sugar is an energy sweetener that is added to foods and beverages to create the sweetness, texture, volume and volume of the product. Sugar is sometimes called an energy sweetener (calories).
Sugar is actually a simple carbohydrate (carbohydrate) that the body absorbs to replenish energy. In addition it has no other nutritional value.
What is the difference between "natural sugar" and "added sugar"?
Natural sugar is the sugar available in whole, unprocessed foods, such as milk, fruit, vegetables and some grains
Added sugar is the sugar that is added during the processing of food, beverages or added sugar when cooking at home. Food manufacturers can add natural sugars (such as fructose) or processed sugars (such as high fructose corn syrup) to food and beverage products
Why does sugar need to be added to food and drinks?
Although added sugar does not add nutritional value, it has many other effects in the food production process such as:
Serves as a preservative for jelly and jam products (jam)
Increases the volume and volume of the cream (as a filler in the cream)
Support fermentation of wine and bread
Maintain the freshness of baked products
Sugar is also added to processed foods and beverages because it increases the attractiveness of the product.

Why should we limit the added sugar in the diet?
Eating too much added sugar can lead to serious health consequences, such as causing tooth decay, obesity, cardiovascular disease, making it difficult to control type 2 diabetes, and increasing triglyceride levels. and reduce high density lipoprotein (also called HDL or "good" cholesterol).
At the same time, if you satisfy your hunger with food or drinks that contain added sugars, chances are that you won't eat other healthy foods and drinks. For example, studies have shown that the more consumers drink more sugary drinks (like soda or bottled juice), the less milk they drink. Milk provides calcium (calcium), protein and vitamins to help the body work well, while soda and bottled juice contain calories from added sugar and almost no nutritional value.
How much added sugar is too much?
Every day, we need a certain amount of calories to provide energy for living activities. You should meet most of this energy need with foods that contain neither sugar or low sugar and provide important nutrients to the body

The average American consumes about 22 teaspoons of sugar (355 calories) per day, which is equivalent to the amount of sugar contained in two 330 ml cans of soda (normal type) and one bar of chocolate (chocolate). . Due to an increase in the incidence of obesity and heart disease, the American Heart Association has recently issued guidelines on dietary sugar supplements. The American Heart Association recommends that added sugar should not account for more than half of the extra calories. For women, this recommendation means eating no more than 6 tablespoons of added sugar per day (about 100 calories), which is equivalent to the amount of sugar in a half glass of ice cream or less than the amount of sugar in a can of soda 330 ml. Men should not eat more than 9 tablespoons of added sugar per day (about 155 calories), which is equivalent to the amount of sugar in a 450 ml glass of mocha coffee or a 330 ml soda can.

The sugars in food
You can check the added sugar content on the labels of food and beverage products. Common types of added sugar include:
Brown sugar
Cane juice or sugar syrup (sirup)
Icing sugar
Sweetener or corn syrup
Fruit juice concentrate
White sugar
Fructose-rich corn syrup
Inverse line
Road dentist
Raw sugar
How do you know how much added sugar is in food or drink?
Check Nutrition Facts on the label of the product. There is currently no law that requires food manufacturers to separate the natural and added sugars from the product label. However, you can still check how much sugar is in each product. At the same time, you can also look at the ingredients on the label (usually listed in descending order of weight) to see what type of sugar is added to the product. You can refer to the previous section for the types of added sugars commonly found in foods.
On the Nutrition Ingredient label, there are 40 grams of sugar / product. What does that mean?
Information is in the Ingredients section.

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