Note Especially When Eating Mussels
In the hot summer season, soup, clam porridge, and mussel are popular, but before eating, you need to note the following.
When eating mussels, mussels, you should know some precautions to not harm your health.
Clam contains vitamin B12, which is especially good for memory and vitamin C helps with wound healing. In addition, with the important mineral components such as: Iron, potassium, calcium, .

100 grams of mussel meat has 12.77 grams of protid, 13.9 milligrams of iron, 0.25 milligrams of copper, contains lots of vitamin B12, more omega-3, and low cholesterol, so it is suitable for anemic people and people with cardiovascular disease. Along with crab, shrimp, fish, clam, mussel is one of the food sources of selenium highest. Selenium is an essential nutrient that works with other nutrients to fight oxidative stress - an imbalance that leads to bone and joint damage.
Clam and mussel are foods with high nutritional value and are easy to incorporate in everyday dish processing

What are the potential risks when eating clams, mussels?
However, in clam, mussels can be contaminated with heavy metals from water such as mercury, cadmium and lead (mostly in wastewater from industries). Eating poisoned clams, mussels, humans will also be contaminated with metal, causing damage to the nervous system and even causing defects in the fetus.
Notes when eating clams, mussels:
Easy to get poisoned: Clam does not secrete toxins by itself, but in the food of mussels and molluscs there are some toxic algae that cannot be decomposed even when thoroughly cooked, so eaters can still get poisoned. To avoid poisoning, it is best to soak the clams for a few hours so that they will release dirt and waste, and then scrub off the shell.
Clam is not good for people with gout:
Clam is a high protein food, so clam is also high purine content. Purine in the body will be broken down into uric acid - the main cause of gout. Therefore, people with gout or a history of gout are advised not to eat a lot of clams.
Do not eat fruit right before or after eating clams and mussels:
Fruit also affects the absorption of protein and calcium in seafood. The amount of fruit tannins combined with protein, calcium will form insoluble calcium that stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, even causing abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Also do not eat clams, mussels with foods rich in vitamin C because it is easy to cause poisoning.
People with stomach pain should not eat clams, mussels:
Clam is a cold food, not good for people with stomach pain. If you still want to eat clams, when using them should eat a little more fresh ginger to regulate.
Avoid eating clams if you have a cold:
A cold is the most common winter-spring illness caused by cold. Clam is cold so people with colds don't eat.
Not good for people with kidney disease:
Clam is cold and has a salty taste, so people with kidney disease, poor appetite, should not eat clams.
Fruit also affects the body's absorption of protein and calcium in seafood. The amount of fruit tannins combined with protein, calcium will form insoluble calcium that stimulates the digestive tract, even causing abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.
Don't eat foods rich in vitamin C
Like other types of seafood, do not eat clams and mussels with foods rich in vitamin C because they easily cause poisoning.
The reason is that, in mussels, mussels often contain a large content of arsenic pentavenlent. Normally, these substances are not harmful to the body, but if eaten with large amounts of foods rich in vitamin C, they are harmful to the body. At this time, arsenic pentavenlent will transform into arsenic trioxide (popularly called arsenic) causing acute arsenic poisoning, if serious, it can be dangerous to life.
Do not eat with beer
Do not eat clams, mussels and drink beer at the same time, because it will accelerate the formation of excess uric acid accumulated in the joints or soft tissues ..
. leading to gout, arthritis and soft tissue, very harmful to health.
Note when processing and selecting
Clam does not secrete toxins by itself, but in the food of mussels and molluscs there are some poisonous algae that cannot be decomposed when cooked thoroughly, so eaters can still be poisoned.
So, before choosing and processing, housewives should note:
To avoid poisoning, it is best to soak the clams for a few hours so that they will release dirt and waste, and then scrub off the shell.
To choose whether mussels are fresh or not, need to check the following:
- Touch the shell with your hand. If the mussels are fresh, the shell will slowly close.
- The smell of raw mussels is usually not too strong, or too fishy. Sea clams smell more seawater.
- Do not buy clam shell that has been chipped, crushed, broken ... because it is easily contaminated with bacteria..
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