Allergen-prone Foods
Cow's milk, eggs, fish, seafood, tree nuts, peanuts, soybeans and wheat are responsible for up to 90% of all food allergies.
There are more than 160 types of food that can cause allergies, of which the eight are the staple. Many countries such as the US, Canada, EU, Japan, Australia and New Zealand are required to write these ingredients that cause allergies on the packaging of all foods:
Dairy cows
Cow's milk is the main culprit in food allergy in babies. About 2-3% of babies are allergic to milk. Fortunately, at the age of 6, 90% of these children go away on their own
Cow's milk allergy is associated with an immune response against one or both of the milk proteins, casein and serum protein (whey protein). These proteins are also present in the milk of other mammals, so babies who are allergic to cow's milk are also allergic to goat's and sheep's milk.
Allergy to cow's milk protein often causes skin manifestations (erythema, urticaria, dermatitis, eczema), gastrointestinal symptoms (abdominal pain, gastrointestinal disturbances), and respiratory symptoms (shortness of breath, asthma)

Cow's milk allergy increases the risk of allergies to other foods as well as a nasal allergy. Up to 10% of babies with cow's milk allergy will react to beef.
Eggs are the second most common cause of food allergy in babies, about 1.5% of babies are allergic to eggs. This condition is uncommon in adults, with 80% of children getting rid of an egg allergy by the age of 6
The majority of allergenic proteins are in the whites, while the yolk proteins are less allergenic.

Egg allergy often causes skin symptoms (dermatitis, urticaria) and gastrointestinal (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting). The first skin reaction may appear only minutes after egg consumption, while gastrointestinal manifestations are often very variable in time of appearance, severity and extent of prolongation. Anaphylactic shock and respiratory response (dyspnea, cough, and asthma attacks) following egg feeding have also been reported.
High temperatures do not reduce the egg's allergenic potential.
A fish allergy usually begins in adulthood, with the allergic person rarely getting rid of the condition on their own. The disease is common where people eat fish.

While fish is extremely diverse, the main allergenic component of all fish is the protein parvalbumin. People who react to one fish are also allergic to other fish as well.
Fish allergy often causes skin and gastrointestinal manifestations, occurring immediately after eating. Sometimes there may be a systemic reaction, including anaphylaxis.
High temperatures do not destroy parvalbumin's allergy, so avoiding fish is the only precautionary measure.
Shrimps and crabs
Allergy to seafood with hard shells like shrimp and crab is common in older children and adults, especially in areas where people eat shrimp and crab. People who are allergic to crustaceans are also often allergic to mollusks such as clams, clams, snails, mussels, clams, squid, octopus ..

Symptoms of allergy include mild local reactions (itchy mouth, throat) to a systemic, life-threatening reaction. Gastrointestinal and respiratory manifestations are sometimes possible.
High temperatures do not reduce allergies of this food group, so allergic people should avoid all types of shrimp and crab.
About 0.5-1% of children have a peanut allergy. Unlike an allergy to milk and eggs, the disease lessens on its own, 75% of babies are still allergic to peanuts as adults.
Peanuts are legumes native to South America, the same family as beans, soybeans.

Clinical manifestations of peanut allergy may include oral irritation (itching of the mouth and throat) or difficulty breathing (asthma), and even anaphylaxis. Of all food allergies, peanuts are most often the worst. Peanuts can cause a strong allergy on the first use. The tingling in the lips when exposed to the peanuts is a warning sign of a possible strong reaction. In rare cases, simply inhaling peanuts or minimal skin contact, even kissing can lead to a peanut allergy.
About 80% of children with a peanut allergy will react on the first contact.

The threshold for peanut allergy is reported to be 1 milligram (a peanut has an average mass of 500-1000 mg). This means that 1 in 1,000 peanuts can trigger an allergic reaction in some patients.
Tree nuts
Nuts such as chestnuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pine nuts .

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