Answer Questions About Hepatitis During Pregnancy

Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are serious infections that affect the liver. Both diseases are caused by a virus (also known as viral hepatitis), which is easily spread and can lead to serious and long-term illnesses.
Hepatitis not only affects pregnant women but the hepatitis virus can also be transmitted to the unborn baby. Many pregnant women may not realize they are infected with the hepatitis virus, because sometimes the disease does not cause any signs or symptoms.
Hepatitis B
How is the hepatitis B virus spread?
The hepatitis B virus is spread by direct contact with the blood or body fluids (such as semen or vaginal fluid) of an infected person

. This can happen during unprotected sex or when sharing needles for injections. A newborn baby can be infected during birth if the mother has hepatitis B. Hepatitis B can also be spread if you live with an infected person and share personal items that could be contaminated with blood or fluids
body secretions, such as toothbrushes or razors.

Answer Questions About Hepatitis During Pregnancy

Hepatitis B is not transmitted by normal skin contact and is not transmitted to the baby when the mother breastfeed.
What is acute hepatitis B?
Hepatitis B virus infection can be acute or chronic. Acute hepatitis B is a short-lived disease that occurs within the first 6 months of being infected with the hepatitis B virus. Symptoms may include:
Not delicious to eat
Nausea and vomiting
Jaundice, yellow eyes
Muscle and joint pain
The infection may disappear completely within a few weeks without treatment. People who get rid of the hepatitis B virus will become immune to it and not get infected again.
What is chronic hepatitis B?
A small number of adults and children under the age of 5 are infected and never get rid of the hepatitis B virus. This is called chronic hepatitis B
These people will carry the virus for life and are called carriers.

Answer Questions About Hepatitis During Pregnancy

Most people with chronic hepatitis B do not show any symptoms. In rare cases of infection, a chronic infection can lead to serious complications, such as cirrhosis, liver cancer and even death.
Can hepatitis B be cured?
It is not possible to treat a person who is completely sick but can help reduce or eliminate the symptoms caused by hepatitis. In addition, there is currently a vaccine to prevent hepatitis B infection. For those who have recently been exposed to the hepatitis B virus (such as contact with human blood or secretions) have hepatitis B) and have not been vaccinated, a solution called "Hepatitis B Immune Globulin" (HBIg) may be used with the vaccination vaccine. HBIg contains antibodies against the hepatitis B virus and may help fight infections in some situations.
Can hepatitis B virus be passed to babies during pregnancy?
About 90% of pregnant women become infected with acute hepatitis B virus and 10% to 20% of women with chronic hepatitis B will transmit the virus to their babies.
How does the hepatitis B virus affect an unborn baby?
Hepatitis B virus infection can be very serious in infants.

Answer Questions About Hepatitis During Pregnancy

It can threaten a child's life. Infected babies are at high risk (up to 90%) of the virus becoming carriers. Children can also pass the virus to others. As an adult, about 25% of cases are at risk of dying from cirrhosis or liver cancer.
How to detect infection with hepatitis B virus?
All pregnant women are screened for hepatitis B. There are different types of blood tests to check if you are infected with the hepatitis B virus and if so, whether you have a recent infection or are carrying a pathogen. without symptoms. In addition, these tests distinguish people who are immune because they have been previously infected with the virus or have been immunized by getting vaccinated.

Answer Questions About Hepatitis During Pregnancy

What happens if my hepatitis B virus test result is positive?
If the test shows that you are infected with the hepatitis B virus, you may be tested for liver function and body health assessment. Your children, partners and family members are also at risk. They must be informed to be tested and vaccinated.
Does the infection with the hepatitis B virus affect normal delivery or cesarean delivery?
Hepatitis B virus infection does not affect normal delivery or cesarean delivery. You can still have a normal baby if you are infected with the hepatitis B virus.
If I am infected with the hepatitis B virus, can I breastfeed?
Have. You can still breastfeed if you are infected with the hepatitis B virus.
If I am infected with the hepatitis B virus, what will the doctors do to keep my child from spreading?
Within a few hours of birth, your baby will receive the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine and a shot of hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIg).

Answer Questions About Hepatitis During Pregnancy

The next two doses of the hepatitis B vaccine will be given to your baby within the next 6 months. After the immunization series has been completed, your baby will be tested for hepatitis B virus.
What happens if my child's test result is positive?.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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