Benefits And Exercise Guidelines During Pregnancy
Usually, pregnant women will have many questions about whether or not to exercise during pregnancy. However, physical activity is not just about improving or maintaining a physique but more about improving health. This activity is very useful for pregnant women, can reduce the discomfort that pregnant women often encounter during pregnancy and helps the body prepare for childbirth.
Is exercise in pregnancy safe?
Overall, in most cases, recommendations indicate that exercise is necessary and safe during pregnancy. If you have had regular exercise before pregnancy, you should continue to maintain

What are the benefits of exercise in pregnancy?
30 minutes of exercise a day is good for the health of pregnant women. Or exercising for 20 minutes / 3-4 days a week is still good for health, this helps blood circulation better.
For effective exercises, pregnant women should plan an appropriate day and time of the week. Yoga and gentle exercises during pregnancy bring many benefits for pregnant women.
Here are some benefits of exercise during pregnancy:
Help reduce back pain, constipation
May help prevent or treat gestational diabetes
Increase your energy
Improve your mood
Improve your physique
Improve the strength of stamina
Help you sleep deeper
Regular activity can help you stay in shape during pregnancy and after birth and can improve your ability to withstand uterine contractions at birth.
Instructions for choosing an exercise during pregnancy
If a woman has exercised regularly before becoming pregnant, it should be maintained during pregnancy. There are many safety exercises for pregnant women, but it is important not to overdo and be careful when doing them
The fetus implants inside the uterus, surrounded by amniotic fluid, surrounded by maternal organs and bodies, creating a safe environment for fetal development.

Pregnant women should avoid the following types of pregnancy exercises:
These activities are easy to cause many falls.
Exercises can cause many abdominal injuries, including impactful activities, coordinated sports, or sudden direction changes.
Activities that require jumping, jumping, or jumping
Stretching people
Twist waist when standing
The exercise turned sharply
Practice in hot or humid weather
Do not keep breathing slow and deep for a long time.
Do not practice until exhausted
Basic guidelines for a workout plan during pregnancy
Wear loose, comfortable clothes
Choose shoes that fit your foot, designed for the type of exercise you're doing
Practice on a flat surface to prevent injury
Provide enough energy to meet your pregnancy needs
Eat at least one hour before training
Drink a lot before, during and after workouts
After the exercises on the floor, get up slowly and steadily to avoid dizziness.
These exercises are beneficial during pregnancy
Before starting to practice, it is important to consult a healthcare professional. If you have little or no exercise, walking is a good exercise for beginners. Walking is safe for everyone, and is good exercise for the body and joints without requiring equipment.

Squatting at birth can help dilate your pelvis, making it easier for your baby to get down, so squatting should be practiced during pregnancy. To squat, stand shoulder-width wide and lower yourself slowly into a squatting position. Should keep the back straight, the heels on the floor and knees not protruding in front of the feet. Hold squatting for 10 to 30 seconds; You can release your hands on your knees. Then stand back and use your hands to push your knees up slowly. Repeat this squatting motion 5 or more times
Hip exercises help ease back pain during pregnancy and birth. To do hip work, hold your hands and knees, tilt your hips forward and push your stomach back.

How do exercise affect body changes during pregnancy?
There are many changes of the pregnant body. The joints will be looser due to pregnancy hormones relax the muscles. This forward-moving body balance can impact the body's balance as it nears the due date. Increasing weight will make it harder for the body to work than before pregnancy.
All of these factors can affect a pregnant woman's exercise.

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