Breastfeeding: The Secret To Getting Off To A Good Start
What are the benefits of breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding has many benefits for babies. Breast milk is rich in nutrients. It has antibodies that help protect your baby against infections and allergies.
Breastfeeding is also beneficial for you. Breastfeeding is clean and simple: you don't need to wash bottles and make formula

How to start breastfeeding?
Wash your hands before each feed. Place the thumb of the free hand on the nipple and other fingers below, lifting the nipple to touch the baby's lips until the baby opens the mouth.
Fill your baby's nipple with your baby's mouth, pulling the baby's whole body close to you. This allows the baby's mouth to squeeze the milk ducts underneath your areola.
When the baby is in the correct position, both lips should be outside (not pulled into the gum) and cover almost the areola. You will hear the baby's low-pitched sucking sound (not the sucking sound). Your baby's jaw can move back and forth

Your baby's nose can touch your breast during breastfeeding. But don't worry, the infant's nose allows air to be inhaled and exhaled in such a position. If you're worried your baby can't breathe easily, you can gently press the chest near your baby's nose to give him room to breathe.
How should I hold my baby while breastfeeding?
You can hold your baby in a variety of ways, as long as he doesn't need to turn his head or have a stretched neck while nursing.
Cradle posture: one side of the elbow lifts the baby's head while the other arm and hand supports the baby's back and buttocks. Your baby will be lying on your side opposite. Your breast should be placed right in front of your baby.
Soccer posture: hold your baby under your arm like a ball, his head is on the same hand, supporting the body with his forearm.

Lying: lying on your side to lie on your side. You can use pillows to lift your head and shoulders up. This is a good posture if you have had a caesarean or have an episiotomy.
What is reflex to milk?
Reflection in the milk is the phenomenon where you feel a sting in the breast and the milk starts to drip from the unused breast after the baby starts to suck from a few seconds to a few minutes. These are signs that your milk is coming down. Reflection of milk can also occur when you breastfeed late, when your baby is crying or even thinking about your baby.
Reflection into milk can occur very quickly and cause a baby to choke.

What should I do when the nipple is sore?
It is easier to prevent nipple pain than to treat it. The main cause of sore nipples is the incorrect feeding position.
If so, you need to start feeding again. To pull the baby off the breast, you can stop the feeding by putting your finger in the corner of your baby's mouth, waving between and separating his or her gums.
Don't limit breastfeeding when you have sore nipples. Setting a time limit for breastfeeding does not prevent breast pain but also prevents the ducts from emptying the milk completely, leading to breast swelling and pain.

See a doctor if there is a red or painful area in the breast, if chest tightness, fever or soreness is present. They may be signs of infection.
Prevent / treat nipple pain
Make sure your baby is feeding properly. If your breasts are sore during breastfeeding, your baby's mouth may not be in the right position.
The nipple must be dry between feedings.
Suck on the nipple less pain first. Your baby's sucking action may be less aggressive after the first few minutes.

Change feeding position.
If possible, place cracked or sore breasts at the corner of your baby's mouth so that he or she will take less pressure while feeding.
Wash your nipples daily with warm water. Do not use soaps or lotions that contain alcohol because they can dry out the skin.
Some people feel comfortable when applying lanolin to a nipple. If you use lanolin, wash your hands well before feeding.
Avoid using plastic bra pads. Change bra pads between feedings to keep nipples dry.

Expressing milk until reflections occur. This helps make your milk ready and easier for your baby to nurse.
Breastfeed your baby often to prevent engorgement.
How many times should I breastfeed?
Feed your baby often according to your baby's needs, maybe 8-12 times a day or more. The number of times babies nurse can change over time as they experience rapid growth. Fast growth occurs at around 2 weeks and 6 weeks of age and occurs again at 3 months and 6 months of age.
Let your baby suckle until satisfied, maybe for about 15 minutes to 20. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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