Causes Of Miscarriage
There are many causes, but the causes are often unknown. About a quarter of miscarriage occur in the first 3 months of pregnancy, the cause is usually due to fetal problems. If there is a miscarriage in the second trimester of pregnancy (weeks 14 to 26) it may be due to the health condition of a pregnant woman. Late miscarriage can be caused by infection around the fetus, leading to early rupture of membranes before abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding. In rare cases, miscarriage due to cervix opening too early
Miscarriage in the first 3 months
Most miscarriage in the first 3 months is due to fetal chromosomal abnormalities.
Chromosome problem
Chromosomes are blocks of DNA that contain genetic information that regulates most body problems, from the development of cells in the body to the color of a child's eye color.
Sometimes, there are some errors at the time of fertilization that lead to the fetus receiving missing or extra chromosomes

An estimated two-thirds of early miscarriages are associated with chromosomal abnormalities. Usually it will not be related to later pregnancies and it does not mean that the parent's chromosome is abnormal.
Placenta problem
The placenta is the connecting organ that provides the necessary nutrients from maternal blood to the fetus. If there is an abnormal placenta, it can lead to miscarriage.
Things that increase the risk of miscarriage
There are several factors that increase the risk of miscarriage even though early miscarriage occurs naturally
Mother's age:
Under 30 years old, the rate of miscarriage is 1 in 10 women
35-39 years old, the rate of miscarriage is 2/10 women
Over 45 years of age, the rate of miscarriage is more than a quarter of the cases
Other risk factors include:
+ Obesity
+ Smoking during pregnancy
+ Drug abuse during pregnancy
+ Drink caffeine more than 200mg / day. One cup of tea contains about 75mg of caffeine and one cup of coffee contains about 100mg of caffeine; Caffeine is also found in carbonated beverages, energy drinks and chocolate bars
+ Drink more than 2 units of alcohol per week - one unit is Pints (the measurement unit in England equals 0, 58 liters; in the US equals 0, 473 liters) bitter wine or lager beer or a glass of brandy 25ml and a small glass of wine 125ml is 1.5 units
Miscarriage 3 months between
The chronic pathology
Chronic conditions increase the risk of miscarriage during the second trimester of pregnancy
Severe hypertension
Kidney disease
The following infections increase the risk of miscarriage:
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Food poisoning
Food poisoning caused by eating dirty food increases the risk of miscarriage, including:
Listeriosis - mainly in unpasteurised dairy products like blue cheese
Toxoplasmosis - from raw or undercooked contaminated meats
Salmonella- mainly due to raw or undercooked eggs
Medications that increase the risk of miscarriage include:
Misoprostol - use in rheumatoid arthritis
Retinoids - use in eczema and acne
Methotrexate- used in rheumatoid arthritis
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen; Use when pain and infection
These drugs are safe during pregnancy always ask a doctor or pharmacist before use.

Uterine structure
Problems and abnormalities of the uterus that can lead to miscarriage in the middle 3 months include:
Uterine fibroids: muscle tumors develop benign in the uterus.
Abnormal shape of the uterus
Cervical failure
In some cases, cervical muscle is weaker than normal called cervical insufficiency or cervical openings.
Cervical failure may be due to a previous injury, usually after cervical surgery. Weak uterine muscles cause the cervix to open too early in pregnancy, leading to miscarriage.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS is a condition where the ovaries are larger than normal, changing the hormones of the ovaries. PCOS leads to infertility due to reduced egg production, there is also some evidence that PCOS also increases the risk of miscarriage in women. However, the actual role of PCOS in miscarriage is unclear. No treatment has been proven to make a difference and most pregnant women with PCOS succeed without increasing the risk of miscarriage.

Misunderstanding of miscarriage
Increased risk of miscarriage is not related to:
Emotional state of a woman during pregnancy, such as stress or depression
Shock or panic
Exercise - ask the doctor about the type of exercise and the appropriate length of exercise during pregnancy
Stress during pregnancy
Work sitting or standing for long periods during pregnancy
Sex during pregnancy
Take a plane
Eat spicy food
Repeated abortion
Many women who have had a miscarriage worry about their next pregnancy. But most miscarriages usually happen once. About 1% of women have repeated miscarriage (more than 3 times) and more than 60% of women continue to have a successful pregnancy.. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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